Lands in Sansepolcro (AR), Locality Santa Fiora, Campezzone Locality - LOT 6
The lands are registered at Land Registry of City of Sansepolcro at sheet 75 and at sheet 76:
Parcel 10 - Quality Arbored Arable - Class 2 - sqm 660 - R.D. € 3,65 - R.A. € 1,53 (Sheet 76)
Parcel 56 - Quality Arbored Arable - Class 1 - sqm 4120 - R.D. € 31,28 - R.A. € 12,77 (Sheet 75)
The lot is composed of three land for agricultural use.
Particles 10 and 56 are easily accessible from the vicinal road of Campezzone and are partly cultivated and partly uncultivated.
The land is currently the subject of a lease contract starting 01/02/2011 and lasting 20 years. The annual fee is € 50.
For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Επιφάνεια: 4.780