Ώρα του διακομιστή Mon 24/03/2025 ώρες 01:45 | Europe/Rome

Plastic working - Shoes components production

Δημοπρασία n. 4716

Δικαστήριο της Ancona - Κ.Π. n. 21/2014
Πώληση n.7

Numana (AN) - Italy

Plastic Working - Cred. Agr. 21/2014 - Ancona L.C. - Sale 7
Plastic Working - Cred. Agr. 21/2014 - Ancona L.C. - Sale 7
Plastic Working - Cred. Agr. 21/2014 - Ancona L.C. - Sale 7
32 Παρτίδες
Μείωση -100%
Ελεύθερη προσφορά
Asta immobiliare su Gobid.it
Asta immobiliare su Gobid.it
Fri 25/01/2019 ώρες 15:00
Thu 14/02/2019 ώρες 15:00
  • Περιγραφή

Plastic Working

Creditors Agreement n. 21/2014 - Ancona Law Court


On sale machinery and equipment for shoes components production.

For further information consult lot weboages

At the auction deadline, for highest bids not reaching reserve price, awarding will be subject to Bankruptcy Bodies approval.
Reserve price is indicated on the lot webpage. Lower will be the difference between the bid and the reserve price, higher will be the chance for awarding. Offers reaching the reserve price will determine the provisional lot awarding.

Collection assistance costs are required. Due amounts for the available day of collection are indicated in each lot webpage. For further collection dates additional costs please refer to specific terms of the auction.

Lots are sold as is. Viewing is reccomended.
  • Όραση:by appointment - 11/02/2019
  • Πληρωμή:Έως το 20/02/2019
  • Κατάθεση εγγύησης:EUR 1.000,00
  • Έξοδα διαχείρισηςεφαρμοσμένος
  • διαγραφή όλων των φίλτρων
  • 24
  • 36
  • 48

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