Mercedes mod. Benz S400 Vehicle
engine size: 3996 cc
power supply: 184 kW
year: 2000
engine supply: diesel
- keys available -
For further information see the documentation in the annex
Godina: 2000
Marka: Mercedes
model: S400
Vrijeme poslužitelja Wed 12/03/2025 sati 10:14 | Europe/Rome
Mercedes mod. Benz S400 Vehicle
engine size: 3996 cc
power supply: 184 kW
year: 2000
engine supply: diesel
- keys available -
For further information see the documentation in the annex
Godina: 2000
Marka: Mercedes
model: S400
Procjena € 660,00
Rezervna cijena
Minimalni iznos € 50,00
Premija kupca 10,00 %
Polog jamstva: € 200,00