Silenced compressor Ceccato 500 / F7.5S PRO, year 2007, matr. 322978 - ref. 5
- The good needs to replace the psi air pressure gauge because it is out of calibration -
Godina: 2007
Marka: Ceccato
model: 500/F7.5S PRO
Matrikula: 322978
Vrijeme poslužitelja Sun 09/03/2025 sati 15:25 | Europe/Rome
Razno > Obrada zraka - Tekućine
Silenced compressor Ceccato 500 / F7.5S PRO, year 2007, matr. 322978 - ref. 5
- The good needs to replace the psi air pressure gauge because it is out of calibration -
Godina: 2007
Marka: Ceccato
model: 500/F7.5S PRO
Matrikula: 322978
Procjena € 1.065,57
Rezervna cijena
Minimalni iznos € 50,00
Premija kupca 12,00 %
Polog jamstva: € 200,00