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Apartments in Santa Cruz De Tenerife - LOT 1

Tétel 1

Árverés n.8101

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  • Apartments in Santa Cruz De Tenerife - LOT 1 1
  • Apartments in Santa Cruz De Tenerife - LOT 1 2
  • Apartments in Santa Cruz De Tenerife - LOT 1 3
  • Apartments in Santa Cruz De Tenerife - LOT 1 4
  • Apartments in Santa Cruz De Tenerife - LOT 1 5
  • Apartments in Santa Cruz De Tenerife - LOT 1 6
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Apartments in Santa Cruz De Tenerife - LOT 1

Cadastral reference:

- 1513801CS7511S0009RF surface 37 sqm

The successful tenderer will be responsible for the share of the condominium attributable to the accrued portion of the current year and the three previous years in accordance with article 9.1 of law 49/11960 of the Spanish system.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.

Felület: 37


Felfüggesztett tétel por

Licit ár

Tramo műnimo € 250,00

Vásárlói Prémium 5,00 %

Kauciós letét: € 3.000,00

ÁFA a tételen 7,00 %ha alkalmazható lenne


Érdeklődés Látogatás kérése
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1 Tételek

Apartment in San Cristóbal de la Laguna - Tenerife

Apartment in San Cristóbal de la Laguna - Tenerife

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