Szerver idő Wed 15/01/2025 órák 13:40 | Europe/Rome

Store in Ciampino (Roma)


Ingatlanok > Kereskedelmi Ingatlanok

  • Store in Ciampino (Roma) 1
  • Store in Ciampino (Roma) 2
  • Leírás

Store in Ciampino (Roma), via Giacomo Brodolini 29

The store is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Ciampino at Sheet 2:

Parcel 791 - Sub 1 - Category C/1 - Class 11

The property is part of a building of greater consistency that is spread over several floors. The ground floor on the street side is dedicated to commercial premises.
The store is accessed directly from the public road and is internally divided into a single room of 43 square meters used as a sales area and a small bathroom with anteroom.
The building to which it belongs is located a short distance from Rome-Ciampino International Airport.

It is noted that with the entry into force of the new Salva Casa Decree it is possible to build a mezzanine starting from a minimum height of 2.40 meters, therefore having the shop a height of approximately 4.35 meters it could be possible to build a regular mezzanine.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.

At the auction deadline, for highest bids not reaching reserve price, awarding will be subject to customer approval.

Felület: 43

  • Mellékletek (1)


Felfüggesztett tétel por

Licit ár

Tramo műnimo € 1.000,00

Vásárlói Prémium see specific terms

Kauciós letét: € 5.200,00

ÁFA a tételen 22,00 %ha alkalmazható lenne


Érdeklődés Látogatás kérése Általános feltételek Különleges feltételek

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