Szerver idő Wed 05/02/2025 órák 22:48 | Europe/Rome

Industrial complex in Cariño - A Coruña

Tétel 1

Árverés n.22988

Ingatlanok > Kereskedelmi Ingatlanok

  • Industrial complex in Cariño - A Coruña 1
  • Industrial complex in Cariño - A Coruña 2
  • Industrial complex in Cariño - A Coruña 3
  • Industrial complex in Cariño - A Coruña 4
  • Industrial complex in Cariño - A Coruña 5
  • Industrial complex in Cariño - A Coruña 6
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Industrial complex in Cariño - A Coruña

Lot composed of a set of properties, in the town of Cariño, with a total area of over 6,600 m2, which are divided into two groups of warehouses, separated by a passage of approximately 3 meters wide between them. 

An appraisal is attached, the interior facilities such as cold storage rooms, tuna peelers, etc., are no longer present.

The properties are located at Landin Carrasco Street, 18, and Dr. Soneira Street, Cariño - A Coruña

Documentation is attached to provide more information about all the properties

  • Mellékletek (5)


Felfüggesztett tétel por

Valoráció € 3.878.833,64

Licit ár € 151.000,00

Tramo műnimo € 2.500,00

Vásárlói Prémium 5,00 %

Kauciós letét: € 20.000,00

Az árak ÁFA nélkül és törvény szerinti díjakkal jelennek meg


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