Szerver idő Wed 12/03/2025 órák 05:31 | Europe/Rome

Industrial building in Azoreira, A Coruña

Tétel 1

Árverés n.21469

Ingatlanok > Ipari Ingatlanok

  • Industrial building in Azoreira, A Coruña 1
  • Industrial building in Azoreira, A Coruña 2
  • Industrial building in Azoreira, A Coruña 3
  • Industrial building in Azoreira, A Coruña 4
  • Industrial building in Azoreira, A Coruña 5
  • Industrial building in Azoreira, A Coruña 6
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Industrial building in Azoreira, Tabeaio, Carral, A Coruña.

Lateral block enclosures, fiber cement plate roof and concrete floor, forming a set of two bodies attached and connected to each other.

Total constructed surface: 1645m2
Surrounding unbuilt surface: 3510.60m2
Cadastral Reference: 2280701NH5827N0001YS

For further information see the documentation in the annex
To arrange a viewing please use the REQUEST VIEWING button in the website.


Felfüggesztett tétel por

Valoráció € 351.609,69

Licit ár € 262.500,00

Tramo műnimo € 2.500,00

Vásárlói Prémium 5,00 %

Kauciós letét: € 12.000,00

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