Szerver idő Thu 18/07/2024 órák 11:18 | Europe/Rome

Lot with tools and equipment for ceramic industry

Tétel 8

Árverés n.19796

Építőipar > Építőipar

  • Lot with tools and equipment for ceramic industry 1
  • Lot with tools and equipment for ceramic industry 2
  • Lot with tools and equipment for ceramic industry 3
  • Lot with tools and equipment for ceramic industry 4
  • Lot with tools and equipment for ceramic industry 5
  • Lot with tools and equipment for ceramic industry 6
  • + fotó
  • Leírás
Lot with tools and equipment for ceramic industry.
The lot includes the following elements:
-Press plates shelves
-Press plates (284) un.
-Ceramic roller Roller 300 45x35x3330 S
-Roller 300 45x35x3330 Sacmi
-Ceramic roller 45x35x3330 SACMI
-Ceramic roller 45x3330 SC F6
For further information see the documentation in the annex
There may be a discrepancy between the attached listing and the items present. It is recommended to make a visit to check material and quantities.


Felfüggesztett tétel por

Valoráció € 111.424,89

Licit ár

Tramo műnimo € 1.000,00

Vásárlói Prémium 5,00 %

Kauciós letét: € 2.200,00

Adminisztrációs költségek € 800,00

ÁFA a tételen 21,00 %ha alkalmazható lenne


Érdeklődés Látogatás kérése
Tile production - Machinery and equipment
Tile production - Machinery and equipment
Tile production - Machinery and equipment
15 Tételek

Tile production - Machinery and equipment

Tile production - Machinery and equipment

Árverés 19796

Bíróság Castellon

Tue 19/09/2023 órák 16:00

Thu 19/10/2023 órák 16:00

Aukciós adatlap

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Betonkeverő üzem, Mérleg, Monoblokk és Generátor
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