Artisanal building in Corciano (PG), Via Anna Maria Mozzoni
The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Corciano at sheet 26:
Parcel 517 - Sub 1 - Communal assets not listed for tax purposes
Parcel 517 - Sub 2 - Category D/1
Parcel 517 - Sub 3 - Unit under construction
The land is registered at Land Registry of City of Corciano at Sheet 26.
Parcel 34 - Green 1,940 sqm
Parcel 294 - Arable land - 1,217 sqm
Parcel 517 - Land attached to building - 4,754 sqm
The property in question consists of a shed, with a height of 6 meters, used as a vehicle shed with an adjoining office building and an apartment for the caretaker.
The tool shed develops entirely on the ground floor and has an area of 718 square meters. Also on the ground floor there is also a warehouse, workshop, canteen, changing rooms and toilets for a total of 185 square meters.
The first floor is entirely used as offices and is accessed from the stairwell common to all floors.
The caretaker's apartment is located on the second floor and is currently not completed. It consists of an entrance hall, living room with kitchenette, hallway, three bedrooms and two bathrooms for a total area of 136 square meters. There are two balconies.
The outdoor area is intended for parking, maneuvering area and storage. The property is fenced on three sides with the exception of the side overlooking the Caina river. Access is via the automated driveway gate.
Please note the presence of remediable urban differences.
For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Yfirborð: 1.345
Altan/ir: 51