Server tími Fri 14/03/2025 klukkustundir 08:32 | Europe/Rome

Land with ruin in Vimianzo - Corcubion - A Coruña

Lota 2

Uppboð n.15110

Fasteignir > Lóðir

  • Land with ruin in Vimianzo - Corcubion - A Coruña 1
  • Land with ruin in Vimianzo - Corcubion - A Coruña 2
  • Land with ruin in Vimianzo - Corcubion - A Coruña 3
  • Land with ruin in Vimianzo - Corcubion - A Coruña 4
  • Land with ruin in Vimianzo - Corcubion - A Coruña 5
  • Land with ruin in Vimianzo - Corcubion - A Coruña 6
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  • Lýsing

Land with ruin in Vimianzo - Corcubion - A Coruña - Luga de Carnés

Finca n. 21,661
URBAN: lot with a single property, residential destination, located in Carnés, Municipality of Vimianzo with a surface area of 72 square meters, and built of 172 square meters, with a surface area of 72 square meters per room on the top floor and 70 square meters per room on the upper floor.
For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.

Eind: 21664


Loto frestað fyrir

Reserve verð

Tramo mínimo € 250,00

Kaupandaálag 6,00 %

Tryggingargreiðsla: € 520,00

Verð sýnd án VSK og gjalda samkvæmt lögum


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