Server tími Sun 01/09/2024 klukkustundir 11:36 | Europe/Rome

Office Furniture and Equipment

Lota 12

Uppboð n.21802

Húsgögn og skrifstofa > Ýmis húsgögn og búnaður

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The lot includes:

n. 1 "L" shaped desk in walnut color, n. 2 table lamps, n. 2 shelves in walnut color, n. 2 metal chests of drawers with five drawers, n. 1 low table, n. 1 metal shelf - ref. 40
n. 1 piece of furniture with two sliding doors, n. 1 low cabinet with two sliding doors - ref. 38
n. 1 swivel chair, n. 2 fixed chairs - ref. 41
n. 1 portable torch - ref. 42
n. 1 cabinet - ref. 43
n. 1 calculator OLIVETTI mod. LOGOS 352, n. 1 SAMSUNG fax mod. SF-760P, n. 1 NEC LCD monitor, n. 1 TELECOM phone, n. 1 cordless GIGASET mod. AS10, n. 1 ASUS computer, n. 1 keyboard, n. 1 mouse - ref. 45
n. 1 LAVAZZA coffee machine - ref. 44
n. 1 multifunction CANON PIXMA 4550 - ref. 46


Loto frestað fyrir

Tramo mínimo € 25,00

Kaupandaálag 10,00 %

Tryggingargreiðsla: € 150,00

Stjórnunarútgjöld € 75,00

VSK á hlutanum 22,00 %ef það væri viðeigandi


Óska eftir upplýsingum Beiðni um skoðun
Clothing - Machinery and equipment
Clothing - Machinery and equipment
Clothing - Machinery and equipment
7 Lóðir
Uppboð á

Clothing - Machinery and equipment

Clothing - Machinery and equipment

Uppboð 21802

Dómstóll Rovigo - Fall. n. 34/2022
Sala n.4

Fri 23/02/2024 klukkustundir 16:00

Wed 03/04/2024 klukkustundir 16:06


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