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Commercial space in San Vicente del Raspeig - Alicante

Lota 1

Uppboð n.15264

Fasteignir > Viðskiptaeignir

  • Commercial space in San Vicente del Raspeig - Alicante 1
  • Commercial space in San Vicente del Raspeig - Alicante 2
  • Commercial space in San Vicente del Raspeig - Alicante 3
  • Commercial space in San Vicente del Raspeig - Alicante 4
  • Commercial space in San Vicente del Raspeig - Alicante 5
  • Commercial space in San Vicente del Raspeig - Alicante 6
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  • Lýsing

Commercial space in San Vicente del Raspeig - Alicante, Calle Pintor Sorolla 18

Cadastral Reference - 6332028YH1563S0015AE – sqm 310

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.

Yfirborð: 310


Loto frestað fyrir

Reserve verð

Tramo mínimo € 1.000,00

Kaupandaálag 5,00 %

Tryggingargreiðsla: € 8.500,00

Verð sýnd án VSK og gjalda samkvæmt lögum


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