Server tími Sun 15/09/2024 klukkustundir 13:21 | Europe/Rome

Computer and Electronic Equipment

Lota 2

Uppboð n.4693

Húsgögn og skrifstofa > Tölvur og Skrifstofa

  • Computer and Electronic Equipment 1
  • Computer and Electronic Equipment 2
  • Computer and Electronic Equipment 3
  • Computer and Electronic Equipment 4
  • Computer and Electronic Equipment 5
  • Computer and Electronic Equipment 6
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The lot includes:

Server brand DELL PE2900III, Mod. ECM01, No. Series 2S2TN3J, date of construction 07/05/2008 - ref. 2
Tablet brand ASUS 10.1 "with housing, worn - ref. 3
n. 5 mobile phones of which n. 2 Samsung Galaxy S III Neo, n. 1 Samsung Galaxy S4, n. 1 Back Berry and n. 1 iPhone 5 - ref. 4
Samsung Galaxy S4 mobile phone year 2014 - ref. 4a
Mobile phone BackBerry Q10 year 2013 - ref. 4b
Mobile phone iPhone 5 year 2015 ref. 4c
Digital camera brand CANON IXUS 870 IS, worn and obsolete (year 2009) - ref. 5
Monitor brand PHILIPS BDL 4210Q wall 47.6 ". It is detached from the part where it was installed and considered relevant to the plant's facilities. It is estimated without functional checks for the year 2014 - ref. 6


Loto frestað fyrir

Reserve verð

Tramo mínimo € 25,00

Kaupandaálag 10,00 %

Tryggingargreiðsla: € 100,00

Stjórnunarútgjöld € 50,00

VSK á hlutanum 22,00 %ef það væri viðeigandi


Óska eftir upplýsingum Beiðni um skoðun
Computer and work equipment
Computer and work equipment
Computer and work equipment
4 Lóðir
Uppboð á

Computer and work equipment

Computer and work equipment

Uppboð 4693

Dómstóll Ancona - Fall. n. 45/2017

Mon 18/02/2019 klukkustundir 16:00

Tue 19/03/2019 klukkustundir 16:00


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