Server tími Wed 12/03/2025 klukkustundir 15:38 | Europe/Rome

Compressor Lot

Lota 99

Uppboð n.21669

Ýmislegt > Loftmeðferð - Vökvar

  • Compressor Lot 1
  • Compressor Lot 2
  • Compressor Lot 3
  • Compressor Lot 4
  • Compressor Lot 5
  • Compressor Lot 6
  • + mynd
  • Lýsing

Batch of compressors: -BETIC COMPRESSOR PT62 609 -BETICO COMPRESSOR VS9P0062BV041007 Nø559 -BETICO COMPRESSOR VS9PT5 372 -BETICO COMPRESSOR VS9PT62-AV041E41 558 -KAESER COMPRESSOR SERIAL N§ 00162284 N§ 31 -PT-51 COMPRESSORS -PT-62 COMPRESSORS -PT-51 COMPRESSORS -PT-89 COMPRESSORS There may be a discrepancy between the attached list and the elements present. It is recommended to visit to check material and quantities.


Loto frestað fyrir

Mat € 4.000,00

Reserve verð € 1.400,00

Tramo mínimo € 250,00

Kaupandaálag 7,00 %

Tryggingargreiðsla: € 3.400,00

VSK á hlutanum 21,00 %ef það væri viðeigandi


Óska eftir upplýsingum Beiðni um skoðun

Lengd tengdra

Þarftu hjálp?