Server tími Sun 01/09/2024 klukkustundir 09:24 | Europe/Rome

Lot of Fixtures

Lota 2

Uppboð n.11245

Ýmislegt > Birgðir Fullunnar Vöru

  • Lot of Fixtures 1
  • Lot of Fixtures 2
  • Lot of Fixtures 3
  • Lot of Fixtures 4
  • Lot of Fixtures 5
  • Lot of Fixtures 6
  • + mynd
  • Lýsing

The lot includes:

n. 1 French door with two doors in white pvc - ref. 15
n. 2 two-pvc wood effect window - ref. 16
n. 3 one-pvc window in three different colors dim 70x50 cm - ref. 17
n. 6 iron safety gate of different sizes and colors - ref. 18
n. 1 French door with two doors in thermal break aluminum - ref. 19
n. 1 "porzio" exhibition area consisting of a load-bearing painted wooden structure:
n. 2 double-leaf windows with external shutter, n. 1 aluminum entrance door and n. 1 French door with two doors - ref. 20
n. 1 technical roller blind width 130 cm - ref. 21
n. 1 French door with two sliding doors - ref. 22
n. 1 window with two white aluminum doors - ref. 23
n. 1 French window in white aluminum of the translating type - ref. 24
n. 3 mosquito nets of different sizes - ref. 25
n. 2 internal MDF wood doors of different types - ref. 26
n. 15 internal Ferrero doors of different sizes, types, finishes and colors - ref. 27
n. 4 Dierre armored doors of different sizes, type, finishes and color - ref. 28
n. 3 load-bearing displays for door and window handles - ref. 36
n. 2 display mosquito nets DFN - ref. 37
n. 3 displays for mosquito nets - ref. 56
n. 5 wall light fixtures with gray satin metal body and bidirectional optic (top-bottom) - ref. 57
n. 2 electrified tracks, length approximately 5.5 ml, carrying n. 6 (4 + 2) incandescent lamps - ref. 58
n. 3 wall light fixtures with gray satin metal body and unidirectional optic (high) - ref. 59

- some goods are dismantled -


Loto frestað fyrir

Mat € 4.206,54

Reserve verð

Tramo mínimo € 50,00

Kaupandaálag 15,00 %

Tryggingargreiðsla: € 200,00

Stjórnunarútgjöld € 150,00

VSK á hlutanum 22,00 %ef það væri viðeigandi


Óska eftir upplýsingum Beiðni um skoðun
Fixtures Production - Finished products and equipment
Fixtures Production - Finished products and equipment
Fixtures Production - Finished products and equipment
4 Lóðir
Frjáls tilboð
Uppboð á

Fixtures Production - Finished products and equipment

Fixtures Production - Finished products and equipment

Uppboð 11245

Dómstóll Palermo - Fall. n. 100/2019
Sala n.7

Thu 20/05/2021 klukkustundir 15:30

Mon 07/06/2021 klukkustundir 15:30


Lengd tengdra

N. 10 Spólur Stálvíra


N. 20 Síur


N. 20 Síur

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