Server tími Fri 19/07/2024 klukkustundir 07:04 | Europe/Rome

Bed with Mattress - Quilt and Pillows

Lota 21

Uppboð n.10914

Húsgögn og skrifstofa > Húsgögn fyrir heimilið

  • Bed with Mattress - Quilt and Pillows 1
  • Bed with Mattress - Quilt and Pillows 2
  • Bed with Mattress - Quilt and Pillows 3
  • Bed with Mattress - Quilt and Pillows 4
  • Bed with Mattress - Quilt and Pillows 5
  • Bed with Mattress - Quilt and Pillows 6
  • + mynd
  • Lýsing

The lot includes:

n. 1 walnut display cabinet brand: smania measures: 2,20x2,22x170
n. 1 fouton sofa brand: maestro rafael mod. ma0010752011 measures: 2.70x2.70
n. 1 ties for console brand: dorwin measures: 150x1,90x50
n. 2 bed in leather and silk brand: maestro rafael mod. riblon measures: 50x80
n. 2 gray quilt with silent ribbon flowers brand: maestro rafael mod. riblon measures: 45x45


Loto frestað fyrir

Mat € 2.542,40

Reserve verð

Tramo mínimo € 50,00

Kaupandaálag 15,00 %

Tryggingargreiðsla: € 400,00

Stjórnunarútgjöld € 75,00

VSK á hlutanum 21,00 %ef það væri viðeigandi


Óska eftir upplýsingum Beiðni um skoðun
Design Furniture and Lighting
Design Furniture and Lighting
Design Furniture and Lighting
36 Lóðir

Design Furniture and Lighting

Design Furniture and Lighting

Uppboð 10914

Dómstóll Pontevedra
Sala n.4

Thu 15/04/2021 klukkustundir 16:00

Thu 20/05/2021 klukkustundir 16:36


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