Raw materials and finished products warehouse
Full list in the annex
- The lot also includes the shelving indicated in the attached list -
- goods located in Via Piave -
Server tími Tue 04/03/2025 klukkustundir 01:44 | Europe/Rome
Server tími Tue 04/03/2025 klukkustundir 01:44 | Europe/Rome
Ýmislegt > Birgðir af Vörum og Hráefnum
Raw materials and finished products warehouse
Full list in the annex
- The lot also includes the shelving indicated in the attached list -
- goods located in Via Piave -
Reserve verð
Tramo mínimo € 1.000,00
Kaupandaálag 10,00 %
Tryggingargreiðsla: € 3.500,00