Server tími Sat 27/07/2024 klukkustundir 18:28 | Europe/Rome

Office Furniture and Equipment - J

Lota 28

Uppboð n.17047

Húsgögn og skrifstofa > Ýmis húsgögn og búnaður

  • Office Furniture and Equipment - J 1
  • Office Furniture and Equipment - J 2
  • Office Furniture and Equipment - J 3
  • Office Furniture and Equipment - J 4
  • Lýsing

The lot includes:

n. 2 angular shaped desks, various types
n. 4 integrated or free drawers, various types
n. 1 desk, various types
n. 4 swivel armchairs, various types
n. 3 fixed armchairs, various types
n. 2 hangers, various types
n. 1 cabinet / tall cabinet with 5 doors, various types
n. 1 cabinet / tall cabinet with 4 doors, various types
n. 3 landline phones, various types
n. 1 Acer B223W lcd monitor
n. 1 Benq monitor - ref. P1 - Office 9


Loto frestað fyrir

Reserve verð

Tramo mínimo € 50,00

Kaupandaálag 10,00 %

Tryggingargreiðsla: € 500,00

Stjórnunarútgjöld € 75,00

VSK á hlutanum 22,00 %ef það væri viðeigandi


Óska eftir upplýsingum Beiðni um skoðun
Office furniture and equipment
Office furniture and equipment
Office furniture and equipment
29 Lóðir
Uppboð á

Office furniture and equipment

Office furniture and equipment

Uppboð 17047

Dómstóll Padova - C.P. n. 22/2018
Sala n.2

Fri 23/12/2022 klukkustundir 15:00

Thu 09/02/2023 klukkustundir 15:00


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Húsgögn og skrifstofa

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Húsgögn og skrifstofa

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