The lot includes:
- 3x 2 exit 20x60 moulds
- 1x 1 exit 20x60 mould
Server tími Mon 10/03/2025 klukkustundir 14:59 | Europe/Rome
Server tími Mon 10/03/2025 klukkustundir 14:59 | Europe/Rome
Byggingar > Birgðir af byggingarefnum
The lot includes:
- 3x 2 exit 20x60 moulds
- 1x 1 exit 20x60 mould
Loto frestað fyrir
Mat € 4.480,28
Reserve verð
Tramo mínimo € 100,00
Kaupandaálag 5,00 %
Tryggingargreiðsla: € 500,00