Ora del server Tue 07/01/2025 ore 02:23 | Europe/Rome

Adler CF-1201 Industrial Dishwasher with Tables

Lott 4

Asta n.13057

Alimentar e ristorassion > Lavadura

  • Adler CF-1201 Industrial Dishwasher with Tables 1
  • Adler CF-1201 Industrial Dishwasher with Tables 2
  • Adler CF-1201 Industrial Dishwasher with Tables 3
  • Adler CF-1201 Industrial Dishwasher with Tables 4
  • Adler CF-1201 Industrial Dishwasher with Tables 5
  • Descrizion

Industrial dishwasher Adler CF-1201 + input table + output table

Marca: Adler

modèl: Cf-1202


Loto sospeso par

Prezi de riserva

Tramo mìnimo € 50,00

Primi del comprador 10,00 %

Depòsito caucional: € 500,00

Spese di amministrazione € 180,00

IVA sul lotto 21,00 %s'el foss aplicabile


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Catering furniture and equipment
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