Ora del server dom 28/07/2024 ore 00:25 | Europe/Rome

Machinery and Equipment for Shoe Factory

Lott 7

Asta n.21300

Vestii > Calzadura e Pelletteria

  • Machinery and Equipment for Shoe Factory 1
  • Machinery and Equipment for Shoe Factory 2
  • Machinery and Equipment for Shoe Factory 3
  • Machinery and Equipment for Shoe Factory 4
  • Machinery and Equipment for Shoe Factory 5
  • Machinery and Equipment for Shoe Factory 6
  • + foto
  • Descrizion

The lot includes:

n. 1 fire extinguisher - ref. 29
n. 1 strapping machine - ref. 30
n. 6 sample suitcases - ref. 35
n. 1 pre-milling machine for footwear - ref. 37
n. 2 aspirators - ref. 39
n. 1 system brand wire burning machine - ref. 74
n. 1 nail nail machine - ref. 75
n. 1 machine ironing machine boots - ref. 76
n. 1 roller gluing machine - ref. 78
n. 1 roller gluing machine - ref. 79
n. 1 press machine - ref. 80
n. 1 electromechanical brand reactivator machine B.C - ref. 81
n. 1 quarry forms - ref. 83
n. 1 close cracks - ref. 84
n. 1 sun trimmer - ref. 85
n. 1 manual stamping insole - ref. 86
n. 1 trimming machine + pad holder - ref. 87
n. 1 manual press - ref. 89
n. 1 machine trims soles with vice - ref. 90
n. 1 quarry forms - ref. 91
n. 1 OMR brand punching machine - ref. 92


Loto sospeso par

Valoraciòn € 2.585,00

Prezi de riserva

Tramo mìnimo € 25,00

Primi del comprador 10,00 %

Depòsito caucional: € 100,00

Spese di amministrazione € 180,00

IVA sul lotto 22,00 %s'el foss aplicabile


Domanda informazioni Richiedi visione
Footwear - Machinery and equipment
Footwear - Machinery and equipment
Footwear - Machinery and equipment
10 Lotes
Oferta libera
Subasta en Gobid.it

Footwear - Machinery and equipment

Footwear - Machinery and equipment

Asta 21300

Tribunàl de Fermo - Falimènt n. 32/2019
Venda n.7

lun 22/01/2024 ore 16:30

lun 26/02/2024 ore 16:30

Ficha Subasta

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