Час на серверот Sun 09/03/2025 часови 02:58 | Europe/Rome

Office furniture and computer equipment

Лоте 31

Субаста n.18591

Мебел и канцеларија > Различен мебел и опрема

  • Office furniture and computer equipment 1
  • Office furniture and computer equipment 2
  • Office furniture and computer equipment 3
  • Office furniture and computer equipment 4
  • Office furniture and computer equipment 5
  • Office furniture and computer equipment 6
  • + фото
At the end of the auction, for the best offers received, the award will be subject to approval by the bodies of the procedure.
  • Опис

The lot includes all the furniture, IT equipment and stock in the offices.

The lot does not include the printers, the rack cabinets and the computer equipment attached to the rack cabinets, which are part of other lots in the auction.
The Canon printer is not owned by the bankrupt and is not included with the lot.


Лото суспендиран за

Минимален трг € 25,00

Премија на купувачот 10,00 %

Кауција: € 500,00

Трошоци за администрација € 350,00

ДДВ на лотот 21,00 %ако беше применливо


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