Agricultural land in Caldonazzo (TN), Locality Gozza d'Oro - LOT G17
The lands are registered at the Cadastral City of Caldonazzo at the Particella Fondiaria 3702/2 - Surface 954 sqm
The land is located in the locality of Gozza d’Oro, has an agricultural destination and is currently cultivated in part with vineyards and in part by a new olive tree plant. It is not irrigated.
It should be noted that the land is burdened with buried piping easements and a bond of artistic protection.
Urbanistically, it falls within an agricultural area of environmental and productive protection, a prestigious agricultural area and partly in an agricultural area of environmental protection.
For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.
Sale not subject to VAT
Oppervlakte: 952
Lotcode: G17