Godzina serwera Mon 01/07/2024 godziny 04:17 | Europe/Rome

Office Ground Floor - Cinque Torri Road, 30 - Osimo (AN)

Los 1

Licytacja n.3961

Nieruchomości > Nieruchomości Komercyjne

  • Office Ground Floor - Cinque Torri Road, 30 - Osimo (AN) 1
  • Office Ground Floor - Cinque Torri Road, 30 - Osimo (AN) 2
  • Office Ground Floor - Cinque Torri Road, 30 - Osimo (AN) 3
  • Office Ground Floor - Cinque Torri Road, 30 - Osimo (AN) 4
  • Office Ground Floor - Cinque Torri Road, 30 - Osimo (AN) 5
  • Office Ground Floor - Cinque Torri Road, 30 - Osimo (AN) 6
  • + zdjęcie
  • Opis

The office on the ground floor has a communal entrance door directly away from the Cinque Torri Road, and consists of two rooms, a balcony, and a hallway leading to the bathroom and dressing room.

Paved in marble with wooden skirting, and there is an air conditioning system whose operation is to be verified, having been installed probably at the time of restructuring. The height of the premises is 2.80 m.

The lot is stacked to the sheet 58, particle 1521, sub 6 of the Cadastre of the City of Osimo.

Surface: 55 m, balcony 4 sq m

For more information, refer to the appraisal and the planimetry in the annex.


Aukcja zawieszona przez

Cena rezerwowa

Minimalna oferta € 1.000,00

Prowizja kupującego see specific conditions

Depozyt kaucyjny: € 4.500,00

VAT na partii 22,00 %gdyby to było możliwe


Poproś o informacje Poproś o wizytę
Office in Osimo (AN) - Via Cinque Torri 30
Office in Osimo (AN) - Via Cinque Torri 30
Office in Osimo (AN) - Via Cinque Torri 30
1 Licytacje
Obniżone ceny
Aukcja w Gobid.it

Office in Osimo (AN) - Via Cinque Torri 30

Office in Osimo (AN) - Via Cinque Torri 30

Licytacja 3961

Sąd Ancona - Upadek. n. 21/2013
Sprzedaż n.5

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