Store with apartment to be completed for sale in Filottrano (AN), via Schiavoni 13
Properties are registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Filottrano at sheet 31
PARCEL 195 - Sub 6 - CATEGORY C/1 - Consistency 78 sqm - CADASTRAL RENT 918.47
PARCEL 195 - Sub 13 - CATEGORY A/3 - Consistency 3 compartments - CADASTRAL RENT 123.94
Store has access to ground floor under overhang of balconies. Property, in its raw state, measures approximately 70sqm, has a single access with locked metal blind and is in a state of neglect.
Apartment, located on first floor, has access through the common staircase with entrance to side of building. Property is located in its raw state, without internal partitions and measures approximately 70 square meters; is equipped with a balcony of approximately mq.9.00.
For further information consult attached appraisal and documents
As a result of municipality ordinance n. 60 of 06/08/2017 for construction of works to make safety on the part condominiums, has been deposited in Law Court by a condominium appeals for prior technical assessment aimed at ascertaining the work to be done and the related criteria of allocation expenses. Appeal was declared inadmissible by Law Court. Therefore the Curatela, together with other condominiums, has commissioned a company for execution of initials, more urgent, works of safety, consisting in removal of existing temporary fence as well as in the supply and installation of prefabricated fence panels in galvanized iron and, subsequently, in the restoration of slabs, cornices and balconies.
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