Gathering timing
Starts :
mié 22/12/2021 horas 12:00
Ends :
mar 22/02/2022 horas 12:00
Viewing conditions:
All lots viewings must be booked. Please contact:
info@gorealbid.it – tel +39.0737.782080
The present gathering is subject to a mandatory deposit of 10% of price offered.
Deposit has to be paid in one of the following ways:
1- Via bank transfer to the following account:
Agenzia di Fabriano
ABI: 01030
CAB: 21100
IBAN: IT 43 K 01030 21100 000000414486
Participation Rules:
The gathering will be done using the following modes:
All bidders, except the subjects by law not allowed to take part in the gathering, after having joined the site www.gorealbid.it, will be required to send an irrevocable purchase offer at a free amount, trough compilation of offer form (published online), wich must be send undersigned for acceptance of the conditions proposed, at the following address:
in conjunction with the copy proof of the Bank confirming payment of the warranty deposit required.
Irrevocable purchase offers presenting by potential buyers must be accompanied by payment of securety deposit required, the payment of which will constitute, in itself, a formal commitment to purchase by the underwriter of each offer.
Best offer received at certified email address provided by agent may be used as an auction base price for a competitive sales experiment to be conducted on Platform.
Agent will be responsible for informing all tenderers in any way whether they are or not best bidders when formalizing the above-mentioned irrevocable purchase offer.
Principal reserves, at its sole discretion, the right to accept or not irrevocable purchase offers submitted by potential buyers.
In the event of acceptance of the best offer, Principal will appoint agent at next sale, to be auctioned online on the basis of best offer received and whose specific terms are shown below.
Offers must be submitted in the manner specified in the attached offer form and must contain:
- Identification of contractor, with complete indication of personal details and details of a identity document, specifying of fiscal code and, in the case of physical person married, the matrimonial regime that existed between the two spouses;
- Chamber of Commerce Comany Registration of company or individual company and an identity document of legal representative (for company) or owner (for individual company);
- price offered for building
The potential buyers must agree to terms and conditions of use of the platform and terms and conditions of use of the gathering and of possible subsequent auction, as stated in the present document.
Lots Availability
Any registration related to preemption rights, registration of foreclosures and seizes, or any other tie falling on the lots on sale will be cancelled complying to art. 108 Bankruptcy Law (Legge Fallimentare) once the sale will be completed and the price will be fully collected. Any formalities for cancellation will be on buyer's expenses.