15409: ATMaren Mantentzea - Ibilgailuak eta Ekipamenduak - Santanderko Merkataritza Auzitegiaren 1 zenbakia


Auction timing: 

Starts: Fri 01/07/2022 orduak 15:00
Ends: Thu 28/07/2022 orduak 15:00

Viewing conditions:

Viewing time:

by appointment

All lots viewings must be booked. Please contact:

info@gobid.es - tel +34.911.875.990

info@gobid.it – tel +39.0737.782080

Payment condition: 


The present auction is subject to a deposit of EUR 500,00

Lot 0 requires a deposit of EUR 1.400,00

Lot 2 requires a deposit of EUR 900,00

In order to enable the user's participation, deposit has to be paid in one of the following ways:

1- Via credit card on-line.

2- Via bank transfer to the following account:

Agenzia di Fabriano
IBAN : IT 43 K 01030 21100 000000414486


Deposit has to be necessarily credited before the auction deadline.
As soon as the deposit will be received, the user will be immediately allowed to bid.
In case of deposit payment via bank tranfers, in order to accelerate the participation, the user is advised to send an official proof of the deposit payment to the following address: info@gobid.es

In case participants will not award any lot, deposit will be refunded within 20 days from auction deadline, with no interests applied. 

If, in case of awarding, after deposit payment, the bidder will not comply with the payment terms, the deposit will not be refunded.

In this case the award will be given to the following best tenderer who has made an offer of equal amount higher than the reserve price, and that will not require the early repayment of the deposit.

Preferred creditors related to the real estate for sale in this auction are exempt from paying the deposit to participate in the auction of the lots on which they own the credit. To participate in the auction, they must send an email indicating their location


The sale of the Lots will be realized without any burden and burden.
Despite this, all the taxes and duties relating to the award of each lot that are legally applicable, will be charged to the successful bidders, who will also have to pay notary fees, registration fees and any other relative costs with the award. Under no circumstances will the bankrupt company bear any kind of procurement expense. Furthermore, the buyer will be responsible for all the existing suspended amounts relating to the taxes on immovable property and on those taxes and expenses accrued and unpaid that are imposed on the assets. Furthermore, to guarantee the obligation on the payment of taxes on the increase in the value of the Land (plusvalia) accrued, the contractor must deposit no later than the date on which the writing of the sale or transfer of ownership will be conferred, bank check of the amount of the surplus in favor of the bankrupt company including any corrections to documents, personal data, IVTM of vehicles awaiting payment.

The company shareholdings in auction are the result of information obtained in the corresponding Mercantile Registers, which have not been verified by the Curatela, accepting the successful bidder that the company subject to the competition procedure is finally not the owner of all or part of the aforementioned shareholdings, or that they are burdened by charges.
The credit rights object of the auction are the result of information obtained in the corresponding Mercantile Registers, which have not been verified by the Curatela, accepting the successful bidder that the company subject to the insolvency procedure finally turns out not to be the holder of these credits or that both for different amounts and that, at the same time, the solvency of the debtors is not guaranteed. 


Awarding of Lots
At the end of the auction, for the best offers received, the award will be subject to approval by the bodies of the procedure.
Award of Lot 2
At the end of the auction, for the best offers received below the reserve price, the award will be subject to approval by the bodies of the procedure, bids equal to or higher than the reserve price will determine the provisional award of the lot

Payment Methods

All payments have to be made exclusively by bank transfer. Account details will be indicated whether at the time of registration or  in conjunction with the awarding statement (in a private message to the user mailbox). (see General Terms and Conditions)

Payment deadline

Awarded lots have to be paid within 10 working days from awarding. (see General Terms and Conditions).

Buyer's Premium has to be paid within 5 working days from awarding.

Property transfer
The transfer will take place through a notarial deed in the manner established by the Bankruptcy Curatorship, only after the full payment of the hammer price, the commission (Buyer's Premium) and the costs due. All costs must be assumed by the successful tenderer.
Lastly, the Principal will undertake to notify the Delegated Judge so that in turn he will cancel the prejudicial entries on the properties being sold. The cost of any cancellations will be borne by the successful tenderers.
In the event of failure to complete the transfer of ownership, the sale will be considered automatically resolved and the amount paid by the successful tenderer as Buyer's Premium will be retained as a compensation penalty.
Collection conditions

The collection of the awarded lots by the buyer can take place only after the payment of the amounts due relating to the lots awarded and the foreseen commissions (Buyer's Premium, additional management fees).
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In the event that the successful bidder should carry out the withdrawal on later dates, he will have to pay a fee between EUR 250.00 and EUR 350.00 plus VAT per day per operator, depending on the size of the goods to be retire, as additional skills.
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- subject to approval, request to be admitted during the scheduled date (s) for the next sales experiment, when present.
- upon approval, carry out the collection on days and times other than those made available for the single experiment, paying an additional fee between EUR 250.00 and EUR 350.00 plus VAT per day per operator, depending on the amount of goods to be collected, as additional skills.
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All lots not collected by the deadline will be subject to a daily default of EUR 50.00. In the event that the goods are not collected within 30 days from the deadline for collection, the sale will be considered automatically resolved and the amounts paid by the successful bidder (Lots Awarded - Buyer's Premium), will be retained as a compensation penalty. 
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The buyer is responsible for any disassembly, handling, loading and transport of the awarded lots and, in the case of registered movable property, for handling the paperwork required to carry out the necessary changes of ownership
The transfer of ownership must therefore be carried out by and at the expense of the successful bidder at the practice’s agency self-communicated by the Bodies of the Procedure, or alternatively, communicated by GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP SRL.
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In any case, GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP SRL will not make any lot available before the aforementioned payments have been credited and, in the case of registered movable goods, before the completion of the related transfer of ownership.

the shelving can be withdrawn once the goods placed on them have been collected

Additional specific terms

Buyer's Premium: A charge of 10,00% + VAT of 22% (where applicable)will be added to the price of each awarded lot.

The Buyer's Premium will have a minimum amount of 50 € (+ VAT at 22% where applicable) of each of the lots awarded or combinations as minimum commissions.

Goods subject to senior credit
The holder of the special privileged credit is given the option to assign the award to a third party.
The privileged creditor, in the event of an auction being awarded, will be obliged to pay the corresponding Buyer's Premium.

Additional management fees: These are the ancillary costs entirely borne by the successful bidder, intended to cover the services and activities, performed and to be performed, necessary for the preparation, organization, and management of the sale of the goods at auction and subsequent adjudication phase. These expenses must be paid together with the payment of the buyer's premium due as per the provisional award confirmation that will be issued after the end of the auction. Where due, these charges will be indicated in the sheet of each lot.

VAT: Value Added Tax at a rate of 21,00% will be calculated on the awarding price and added to it. (where applicable)


In case a winning offer will be submitted within 5 minutes before the auction deadline, the  time  to place another bid will  be extended for 5 more minutes from the last bid received. Every other winning bid submitted within 5 extra-time minutes, will extend the time for placing another bid for  5 more minutes from the last bid received and so forth.
Automatic overbids in case of maximum bid (proxy bid) are condisdered winnig bids as well.

Bids on Complete LotIn the event that no offer is received on the complete lot (Lot 0), the individual lots and / or combinations will be awarded.

In the event that offers are received on the complete lot (Lot 0), the bodies of the Procedure at the end of the auction reserve the right to award this lot or not on the basis of the values reached by the individual lots.


Lots are sold as is. Viewing is reccomended.

All costs arising from the sale, will be borne by the contractor, including the costs of collection and handling, any transfer of ownership costs, notarial writing and possible cancellation of any public register of burdens on the specific well.

The sale of the goods is forced (art. 2919 c.c.) it is arranged for goods as is , in the rule of law and fact. In the forced sale it is not valid the warranty for vices. It cannot be contested for damages (Art. 2922 c.c.).

The sale occurs with obligation for the user who award the lot to check of the compliance with safety norms

Consequently the existence of any defects or lack of quality of the lots sold or differences, they cannot give rise to compensation, bonus or price reduction.

It is excluded any responisibility of the Agent about the existence of rights of third parties on the goods subject of sale (Art . 2920 Civil Code) 

In case of insurgency of  any controversy related to the interpretation of the dispositions included in the general and specific terms present in the website  translated in different languages, it will be applied the Italian language version of such texts

GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP SRL disclaims any responsibility for any translation of the texts and the material published online errors.

Notice of changes in the sale's conditions

The wording “assistance costs” is replaced by “ADDITIONAL MANAGEMENT FEES”. This variation does not affect the amounts already indicated.


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