17989: Purenergy Spa - Shareholding - Bank. 36/2016 - Avellino Law Court Sale 6



Table of contents

Art. 1 Definitions
Art. 2.Applicability
            2.2. Specific Terms
Art. 3 Auctions Publication
Art. 4 Auction Execution
Art. 5 Auction Participation
Art. 6.Offers presentation
Art. 7. Lots awarding process
Art. 8. Payment and Collection
Art. 9. Guarantees
Art.1 Definitions:
GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP SRL:company having headquarters in Milan, Via P.O. Vigliani , 19, VAT N. 09441470961 , authorized to auction sale by license released on  9/04/2008 by Questore di Milano n.13/2008.
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2. Applicability:

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3 Auction publication:
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4. Auction execution:

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7. Lots awarding process.
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Bids are binding and constitute a formal commitment to purchase. In case the awarding to the highest bidder will be canceled , awarding will be conferred to the next highest bidder and so forth. 

The principal, as responsible for the sale procedure, may decide to adopt the faculty of art. 107 clause 4 L.f. (Bankrtupcy Law) and suspend the sale in case of reception of an irrevocable ameliorative purchase offer for an amount not lower than ten per cent of the price offered.

8. Payment and collection
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9. Guarantees

GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP SRL is not responsible for any matching lack between the lots description present in the auction and the lots as they lie. All detailed information related to single auctions and lots will be indicated in the Specific Terms section published in every auction.  
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