20566: Agricultural lands in Caltrano e Chiuppano (VI)


Auction timing

Starts : Fri 24/11/2023 часови 16:30
Ends : [param:fineLotto]

Viewing conditions:
All lots viewings must be booked. Please contact:  info@gobidreal.it – tel +39 02 86882269


The present auction is subject to a deposit of  EUR 675,00.

Deposit has to be paid in one of the following ways:
1- Via bank transfer to the following account:

Agenzia di Fabriano
ABI: 01030
CAB: 21100

IBAN: IT 43 K 01030 21100 000000414486  

Lots Availability
Any registration related to preemption rights, registration of foreclosures and seizes, or any other tie falling on the lots on sale will be cancelled complying to art. 108 Bankruptcy Law (Legge Fallimentare) once the sale will be completed and the price will be fully collected. Any formalities for cancellation will be on buyer's expenses.

Payment deadline
Awarded lots have to be paid in full within 30 days from the provisional awarding.

Buyer's premium due has to be paid within 10 days from awarding.

Fees and expenses related to sale on buyer's expense (law fees, notarial fees, fiscal and non fiscal fees) have to be paid in full within 30 days from the provisional awarding.

Buyer's Premium
A percentage % charge + VAT will be added to the price of each awarded lot also in case of offers received related to art. 107 L.F (Bankruptcy Law). 
The above mentioned percentage charge will be applied according to the modes shown in the following table:

From - to € 0,00 € 500.000,00 4%
From - to € 500.001,00 € 1.000.000,00 3%
Beyond € 1.000.001,00   2,5%

The calculation base of Buyer's Premium is divided into different staggers each one corresponding to a rate decreasing when staggers increase.
For each awarding price, the corresponding Buyers' Premium will be given by the sum of the commissions calculated on the referring stagger, according to the modes indicated in the table above.

VAT application may vary according to law depending on the awarding subject and will be calculated on the awarding price and added to it. (where applicable)

In case of insurgency of  any controversy related to the interpretation of the dispositions included in the general and specific terms present in the website  translated in different languages, it will be applied the Italian language version of such texts

The lands located in Chiuppano fall into:
- Particle 372, Z.T.O. sub-area E1 "agricultural area of ​​hills and naturalistic interest", subject to hydrogeological-forestry constraint, to landscape constraint pursuant to art. 142, paragraph 1, letter “g” (territories covered by woods and subject to reforestation restrictions) of Legislative Decree 22/01/2004 n. 42; the area falls, in part, within the buffer zone "power lines and methane pipelines"
- Particle 677, Z.T.O. sub-area E1 "agricultural area of ​​hills and naturalistic interest", subject to hydrogeological-forestry constraint, to landscape constraint pursuant to art. 142, paragraph 1, letter "g" (areas covered by forests and subject to reforestation restrictions) and letter "c" (watercourses) of Legislative Decree 22/01/2004 no. 42, falls within the strip of relevance of the Astico Torrent.

The lands located in Caltrano fall into:
- Parcel 611-612, partially Z.T.O E agricultural and partially Z.T.O. F3 areas for green equipment, parks and sports, with partial forest destination restriction, landscape restriction, partial road compliance restriction, partially falling within the protection zone - depth bands of streams artificial natural reservoirs and with partial hydraulic buffer zone
- Parcel 613-614, Z.T.O E agricultural, with forest destination constraint, landscape constraint.

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