22628: CASALE LUMBROSO - Immobili a Roma



Gathering timing

Starts : Tue 30/04/2024 at 18:00
Ends : Tue 04/06/2024 at 18:00

Viewing conditions:
All lots viewings must be booked. Please contact:  info@gobidreal.it – tel +39 02 86882269


The present gathering is subject to a mandatory deposit of 10% of price offered and and deposit for expenses equal to 5% of offered price, as advance for expenses and tender fees and which also includes the advance on the Buyer's Premium, commensurate with 2% of the price offered, in favor of Gobid International Auction Group, except for integration.

Deposit and deposit for expenses must be paid by means of non-transferable cashier's check payable to:

LCA N. 162/19 CASALE LUMBROSO 93 Soc. Coop. in Liquidazione

Participation Rules:

The gathering will be done using the following modes:

All bidders, except the subjects by law not allowed to take part in the gathering, after having joined the site www.gobidreal.it, will be required to send an irrevocable purchase offer, trough compilation of offer form (published online) and send it undersigned for acceptance of the conditions proposed, at:

Notaio Avv. Francesca Parenti
Piazzale delle Belle Arti 1 - Roma

in conjunction with cashier's checks of the warranty deposit and of the deposit for expenses..

Irrevocable purchase offers presenting by potential buyers must be accompanied by payments of abovementioned required deposits, the payment of which will constitute, in itself, a formal commitment to purchase by the underwriter of each offer.
Best offer received at certified email address provided by agent may be used as an auction base price for a competitive sales experiment to be conducted at the office of Liquidator.
Liquidator will be responsible for informing all tenderers in any way whether they are or not best bidders when formalizing the above-mentioned irrevocable purchase offer.
Liquidator reserves, at its sole discretion, the right to accept or not irrevocable purchase offers submitted by potential buyers.
Offers must be submitted in the manner specified in the attached offer form and must contain:

- € 2.00 duty stamp application
- if presented by a natural person:
a1) the surname, the name, the place, the date of birth, the tax code, the domicile, the marital status, the constitution of a civil union or a de facto cohabitation pursuant to Law 76/2016, the telephone number and the e-mail / PEC / postal address of the person to whom the property will be registered (it will not be possible to register the property to a person other than the one who signs the offer), or, in the case of an offer per person to be named, in addition to the personal and fiscal data of the offering solicitor, the details of the special notarial power of attorney issued in favor of the same;
a2) if the bidder is married under the legal community of property regime, the complete personal and fiscal data of the spouse must also be indicated;
a3) if the bidder is a minor, the offer must be signed by the parents or legal representative, subject to the authorization of the competent tutelary judge;
- if presented in the name of a company or entity, including moral:
b1) the name or company name, the tax code and / or VAT number, the registered office of the bidder, the personal and tax data of the legal representative;
- in both cases:
c1) the lot number and the identification data of the asset for which the offer is proposed;
c2) an indication of the price offered which cannot be, under penalty of ineffectiveness of the offer, lower than the basic auction price indicated in the sales specification.
c3) the deadline for payment of the balance price as well as any additional charges, rights and expenses resulting from the sale, which, in any case, may not exceed 60 days from the award, even in the event of failure to specify the same by the bidder;
c4) the express declaration of having read the appraisal and of having full knowledge that the goods are sold in the factual and legal state in which they relate, without any possibility of claiming against the procedure for any flaws or defects;
- copy of the bidder's identity document and, if in legal community of assets, copy of the document of the spouse, of the civilly united or cohabiting subject;
- certificate of free status or, if married, extract of the marriage certificate with indication of the chosen property regime;
- deposit not less than 10% of the price offered by non-transferable bank check, made out to the compulsory administrative liquidation procedure “LCA N. 162/19 CASALE LUMBROSO 93 Soc. Coop. in Liquidazione";
- advance for expenses and tender fees equal to 5% of the price offered by non-transferable bank check made out to the compulsory administrative liquidation procedure “LCA N. 162/19 CASALE LUMBROSO 93 Soc. Coop. in Liquidazione";
- special notarial power of attorney in case of appointment of the attorney;
- certificate of validity of a date not earlier than one month, if a company or entity is participating, including moral.

The potential buyers must agree to terms and conditions of use of the platform and the sale conditions in attached notice.

Lots Availability
All prejudicial formalities affecting the goods being sold will be canceled by the Principal and at the expense of the purchaser after the sale in the manner provided for in Article 5 of Law no. 400/1975, within the limits set by the law.
Any charges deriving from the sale, including tax charges, notary fees and any expenses related to the cancellation of prejudicial formalities are the responsibility of the buyer.

Payment deadline
Awarded lots have to be paid in full within the deadline set by the bidder in the purchase offer within 60 days from awarding.

Buyer's premium due has to be paid within 20 days from awarding.

Fees and expenses related to sale on buyer's expense (law fees, notarial fees, fiscal and non fiscal fees) have to be paid in full within the deadline set by the bidder in the purchase offer within 60 days from awarding.

Buyer's Premium
A percentage % charge + VAT will be added to the price of each awarded lot also in case of offers received related to art. 107 L.F (Bankruptcy Law). 
The above mentioned percentage charge will be applied according to the modes shown in the following table:

From - to € 0,00 € 200.000,00 4%
From - to € 200.001,00 € 500.000,00 3%
Beyond € 500.001,00   2%

The calculation base of Buyer's Premium is divided into different staggers each one corresponding to a rate decreasing when staggers increase.
For each awarding price, the corresponding Buyers' Premium will be given by the sum of the commissions calculated on the referring stagger, according to the modes indicated in the table above. 

VAT application may vary according to law depending on the awarding subject and will be calculated on the awarding price and added to it. (where applicable)

In case of insurgency of  any controversy related to the interpretation of the dispositions included in the general and specific terms present in the website  translated in different languages, it will be applied the Italian language version of such texts

Gobid.it is a registered trademark by: GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP SRL

Head Office: Via P.O.Vigliani, 19 - 20148 Milano (MI)

Operating Headquarters: Via Merloni, 17/U - 62024 Matelica (MC)

tel: 0039.02.86882269 - fax: 0039.0737.786198 - email: info@gobid.it