26444: Haro de nueve anclajes Oceanía - Venta Privada


Table of Contents:

1.    Definitions
•    GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP SRL: owner and manager of the online auction site, http://www.gobid.it, with registered office in Milan, Via P.O. Vigliani, 19, VAT no. -Tax code 09441470961, hereinafter also “Gobid Group”
•    Seller: owner of the Goods offered for sale
   Gobid.it: proprietary trademark registered by GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP SRL
•    www.gobid.it: the website managed by GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP SRL for the sale of Goods on commission, also referred to as the “Site” or the “Platform”
•    Auction: online sale procedure of Goods, through the platform www.gobid.it
•    Lot: Good or set of Goods available for sale in the Auction
•    User: User registered on www.gobid.it, also referred to as Bidder
•    Auction Registration: authorization requested by the registered User to participate in the single Auction
•    Bidder Number: identifier of the registered User
•    General Conditions: these terms and Conditions
•    Specific Conditions: Specific terms and conditions of the Auction, which can be consulted within the Auction sheet
•    Security deposit/deposit: amount to be paid in order to participate in the Auction, where required.
•    Base Price: starting price of individual Lots
•    Reserve Price: minimum price which, if reached, authorizes the sale of the Lot, unless otherwise indicated in the conditions applied to this Auction
•    Current Price: current price of the Lot
•    Single Bid: amount entered by the User to increase the current price of the Lot
•    Maximum Bid (proxy bid): maximum amount that the User intends to pay for the Lot
•    Minimum Increase: pre-established amount that must be added to the current Price in order to insert the bid
•    Extra-Time: time to extend the duration of the Auction for the submission of further bids
•    Selling Price: amount of Award of the Lot at the time the Auction is deemed to be concluded
•    Award: declaration by GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP SRL that a Lot is sold to the highest Bidder
•    Successful Bidder: person in whose favor it is awarded the Lot, as the highest Bidder
•    Buyer's Premium: Auction commissions due to GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP S.R.L., charged to the Successful Bidder, calculated as a percentage amount, on the taxable amount of the sale price declared in the Award

1.    Applicability
These Conditions regulate the terms and Conditions of the Auction and apply together with the "Terms of Use" of the website www.gobid.it, accepted during registration on the website itself, and the Specific Conditions published in the Auction sheet of interest.

These Conditions are applicable unless otherwise provided in the Specific Conditions.
It is the responsibility of each participant to carefully read the terms and conditions applied to this experiment. By participating in the Auction, the User declares to have read, understood and accepted the General and Specific Conditions of sale applied, without reservations.
For any information regarding the use of the site and the processing of personal data provided, please refer to the "Terms of Use" and the "Privacy Policy", published on the site www.gobid.it.

2.    Main Conditions of Sale
Gobid Group, through the platform www.gobid.it, connects Buyers and Sellers interested in concluding the sale; for this reason, Gobid Group does not hold the ownership or possess the Goods placed in Auction, which are the property of the Seller. Gobid Group is therefore not liable for any faults, defects or lack of quality, total or partial, of the Goods placed for sale.
All Goods are sold in the conditions in which they are found at the time of sale ("seen and liked"), without guarantees on their characteristics or their state of conservation.
Each User is therefore invited to carefully view the Goods to verify their conditions, before making their offer.
By completing the offer formulation process, as indicated below, the User formulates a binding offer; it will therefore not be possible to modify or revoke the offer presented. For this reason, each User is invited to always verify their offer before confirming it.

3.    Conduct of the Auction
The Auction will be held on the www.gobid.it platform, according to the terms and conditions indicated in the General and Specific Conditions of Sale applied to this experiment.
The Auction will be held for the time indicated in the auction sheet; during the identified time frame, each interested party may register for the Auction and make their offer.
For each Lot, a:
•    Base Price, to be understood as the starting price.
•    Minimum Bid, to be understood as the minimum pre-established amount that must be added to the current price.
•    Reserve Price, to be understood as the minimum price whose achievement allows the awarding of the Good to the highest Bidder at the end of the Auction, unless otherwise indicated in the Specific Conditions. If the Reserve Price is not reached, the offer will be subject to the unquestionable evaluation of the Seller, who may freely accept or reject it.

3.1. Viewing
Any interested party may examine, by telematic means, the Goods offered for sale and also view them directly by booking visits to be requested at the following addresses: logistica@gobidgroup.com – tel. +39. 02/86882269 or by request to be made through the appropriate section in the Auction tab, “Request Viewing”.
Where necessary, for the purposes of viewing, interested parties will be required to provide any documentation requested.
It is specified that in any case Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays will be excluded from viewing the Goods.
Viewing of the Goods will be carried out under the exclusive responsibility of the interested party; Gobid Group and the Seller assume no responsibility for any damage to persons and/or things caused during viewing. It is therefore the responsibility of each interested party to carry out the viewing equipped with the necessary precautions based on the nature of the Good being auctioned.
The sale of the Goods is arranged in application of the “seen and liked” clause and, therefore, the Goods are sold without guarantees, in the actual state in which they are found. It is the responsibility of each interested party to carefully examine the Goods before making an offer; viewing the Goods is therefore strongly recommended.

3.2. Participation in the Auction
To participate in the Auction and make an offer, the User is required to:
-    register on the website www.gobid.it, in accordance with the Conditions of Use of the website itself, or access their reserved area “MyGoBid”, if already registered;
-    register for the individual Auction of interest, by clicking on the “Register for the Auction” button on the Auction sheet or for the individual Lot of interest. When registering for the Auction, the User will be asked to expressly accept the General and Specific Conditions of sale applied to this experiment;
-    pay the security deposit, as specified in the Specific Conditions of Sale and reported in the relevant Auction/Lot sheet.
-    where indicated in the Specific Conditions of Sale, for the purposes of enabling the Auction, the User will be required to provide the documentation indicated therein.
Once the above steps have been completed, Gobid Group will enable the User, who from that moment will be able to formulate his/her offer for the Lot of interest, in accordance with the Conditions of Sale applied.
Attention, enabling the Auction will be permitted only after the required security deposit has been collected, therefore, it is recommended to proceed with the operation well in advance of the Auction end date.
The data entered by the User during registration on the site will be the same to which any award will be attributed.
All requested payments must be made by the subjects registered for the individual auctions.

3.3. Security Deposit
Participation in the Auction is subject to the collection of the Security Deposit, as specified in the Specific Conditions of Sale and reported in the Auction registration process.
In the event that the participants in the Auction do not win any Goods, the deposit will be returned within 20 working days from the final deadline of the Auction, without interest.
In the event of the awarding of one or more lots, the security deposit will be returned after the buyer has collected the Goods purchased at the Auction, paid any additional services or completed the purchase of the awarded Goods, with the completion of the bureaucratic procedures required for the sale.

In the event of payment of the security deposit by credit card and awarding of one or more lots by the User, the deposit will be cashed into the current account of GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP SRL, which will return the amount thus retained only after the User has proceeded to collect or complete the purchase of the awarded Goods, with the completion of the bureaucratic procedures required for the sale. The security deposit, without prejudice to the right to compensation for greater damages, will be retained as a penalty in the event of failure to comply with the General terms of payment and collection of the awarded lots, for reasons attributable to the Successful Bidder.

3.4. Type of offers
The User can choose to formulate his/her offer as a “static offer” or as a “dynamic offer” (proxy bid), as indicated below:
-    The static offer is considered a fixed price offer, equal to the amount entered by the User in accordance with the Conditions applied to this experiment.
-    The maximum dynamic offer (proxy bid) is considered a dynamic price offer for the Lot, not visible to other users.
When the registered User enters a static offer, this may be exceeded by an offer from other users. The User, at this point, will be required to enter another static offer to win the Lot.
If the registered User enters a maximum offer (proxy bid), this will be considered valid until it is exceeded by an offer, from other users, greater than the maximum offer. The raises will be automatic based on the minimum values ​​indicated, aimed at exceeding the other offers presented until the entered amount is reached.
Bids will be considered valid only if submitted during the Auction period. In the case of bids received within 5 minutes prior to the end of the Auction, the time available to make other bids will be extended by the time value indicated in the Specific Conditions of the Auction.

3.5. Awarding of lots
At the end of the Auction, the investigation phase for awarding the lots will begin, which will last a maximum of 48 working hours, unless otherwise provided for in the Specific Conditions.
At the end of the investigation phase, the award will be communicated to the highest Bidder.
In the event that the highest Bidder does not pay the sale price within the established terms, the award will be considered lapsed and the sale terminated.
The bids made are binding and constitute a formal commitment to purchase.
In the event that the award to the highest Bidder should lapse, the same may be assigned indefinitely to the next highest Bidder.

GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP SRL reserves the right to suspend the Auction or the awarding of lots even before the end of the Auction, at its sole discretion.

4.    Payment and collection
Following the aforementioned communication, the Successful Bidder will be required to pay the amount due and, therefore, to pay the hammer price, the Buyer's Premium, the Additional Management Charges, where applicable, and any other charge indicated in the Specific Conditions of Sale, all in addition to VAT at 22%, if applicable.
The User Successfully Winning one or more lots is required to comply with the Conditions and terms of payment and collection indicated in the Specific Conditions of the Auction.
In the event that the payment of the amounts due is not completed within the established terms, the sale will be automatically considered terminated and the security deposit will be retained as a compensation penalty, with consequent forfeiture of the award.

4.1. Sales Commissions

Buyer’s Premium
The Auction Commissions due to GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP S.R.L., defined as Buyer’s Premium, are charged to the Successful Bidder and are calculated on the taxable amount of the sale price declared in the Award, according to the percentage rate reported in the Specific Conditions of Sale, plus VAT, for a minimum amount of at least € 25.00 for each lot (minimum commissions).

Additional Management Charges
These are the additional costs charged entirely to the Successful Bidder, intended to cover the services and activities, performed and to be performed, necessary for the preparation, organization and management of the sale of the Goods at Auction and the subsequent award phase. These expenses must be paid at the same time as the payment of the Buyer's Premium due as per the provisional award confirmation that will be issued after the end of the Auction. Where applicable, such charges will be indicated in the Auction/individual Lot information sheet.

4.2. Collection of awarded lots
The collection of awarded lots will be permitted only following the actual collection of all amounts due as the hammer price and the expected commissions (Buyer's Premium, additional management charges and other charges, where specified in the Specific Conditions).
Once the due payments have been made, the Successful Bidder may proceed with the collection of the awarded Goods according to an agreed schedule. The collection operations must in any case be completed no later than the terms indicated in the Specific Conditions of Sale.
The collection operations must be carried out by the Successful Bidder at his own expense. The Successful Bidder is required to leave the places affected by the collection free from things and/or waste materials produced during the collection and in safe conditions. It is the sole responsibility of the Successful Bidder to ensure that he operates in compliance with the safety regulations established by law, under his own responsibility, which he must provide in this sense, also in reference to any third parties and/or collaborators employed in the aforementioned operations. It is the responsibility of the Successful Bidder to provide for the disposal of the waste material produced during the collection, in compliance with the current provisions of law.
Any damage found following the collection of the awarded lots will be entirely borne by the buyer.
It is the sole responsibility of the Successful Bidder to verify the existence of specific rules or restrictions for the importation of the Auctioned Goods in the country of interest. All charges, activities and expenses resulting from the aforementioned verification or exportation are borne by the Successful Bidder.

5.    Final provisions and guarantees
Each Good in Auction is sold with the formula "seen and liked", in the state in which it is found at the time of sale, without guarantees.
Gobid Group, through the platform www.gobid.it, puts in contact Buyers and Sellers interested in concluding the sale; for this reason Gobid Group does not hold the ownership or own anything of the object of the Auction.
Gobid Group reports in the Auction all the information provided by the Seller, for this reason by formulating the offer, the User declares to be aware that Gobid Group is not responsible for any errors, omissions and inaccuracies in the photos, descriptions, quantities and in any other detail indicated in the Auction. Likewise, Gobid Group does not provide guarantees regarding the Goods put up for sale; no responsibility can therefore be attributed to Gobid Group for any possible defect or lack of quality, total or partial, of the Goods put up for sale or for any possible claims by third parties.
Before making an offer, it is strongly recommended to view the lots in order to verify the real condition of the Goods offered for sale.
By participating in the Auction, each User declares to be aware that, in the event of an award, all costs and expenses for the adaptation of the purchased Goods to current regulations, including those regarding prevention and safety at work, environmental and ecological protection, are the responsibility of the Successful Bidder.

Gobid Group reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to cancel, extend or interrupt the Auction; no claims may be made as a result by registered Users.

GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP SRL is not liable for direct and/or indirect damages except in the event of fraud or gross negligence.
In no event shall GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP SRL be held liable for: direct actions of the User that may cause damage or malfunction to the system, unavailability of viewing and/or use of www.gobid.it, illicit use of www.gobid.it, any event subsequent to the conclusion of the Auction.
GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP SRL shall not, under any circumstances, be held liable for any malfunctions of the system that may in any way prejudice or delay the delivery of communications to the person registering.
The recordings present in the log file generated by the system constitute full and exclusive proof between all parties, regarding the content and time of the documents/messages exchanged electronically. The persons registering declare and acknowledge that the system recordings are full proof of the relationships between them. Such recordings are confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties, outside of the cases expressly provided for or by order of the Judicial Authority.

In the event of any disputes arising regarding the interpretation of the provisions contained in the General and Specific Conditions reported on the platform, possibly translated into other languages, the Italian version of the text will prevail.

Unless otherwise specified, the times reported in the Specific Conditions and on the platform refer to the time zone indicated in the server time published on the site


Gobid.it is a registered trademark by: GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP SRL

Head Office: Via P.O.Vigliani, 19 - 20148 Milano (MI)

Operating Headquarters: Via Merloni, 17/U - 62024 Matelica (MC)

tel: 0039.02.86882269 - fax: 0039.0737.786198 - email: info@gobid.it