9736: Business Unit - Photovoltaic System -  Cred. Agr. n.24/2012 - Piacenza Law Court



Auction timing: 

Starts: Wed 10/03/2021 saatler 15:00
Ends: Tue 13/04/2021 saatler 15:00

Viewing conditions:

Viewing time:

by appointment

All lots viewings must be booked. Please contact: logistica@gobid.it – tel +39.0737.782080

Payment condition: 


The present auction is subject to a deposit of EUR 15.000,00

In order to enable the user's participation, deposit has to be paid in one of the following ways:

1- Via credit card on-line.

2- Via bank transfer to the following account:

Agenzia di Fabriano
IBAN : IT 43 K 01030 21100 000000414486


Deposit has to be necessarily credited before the auction deadline.
As soon as the deposit will be received, the user will be immediately allowed to bid.
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In case participants will not award any lot, deposit will be refunded within 20 days from auction deadline, with no interests applied.

If, in case of awarding, after deposit payment, the bidder will not comply with the payment terms, the deposit will not be refunded.



Notarial fess, law taxes and all the other expenses related to the sale, fiscal or not, will be on buyer's expense. The user who award the lots will have to pay the expenses within 30 days from awarding. Buyer's premium due have to be paid within 5 days from awarding.

Payment Methods

All payments have to be made exclusively by bank transfer. Account details will be indicated whether at the time of registration or  in conjunction with the awarding statement (in a private message to the user mailbox). (see General Terms and Conditions)

Payment deadline

Awarded lots have to be paid within 30 days from the auction deadline and in any case no later than date set for property transfer (see General Terms and Conditions).

Buyer's Premium due has to be paid within 10 days from awarding 

Fees and expenses related to sale on buyer's expense (law fees, notarial fees, fiscal and non fiscal fees) have to be paid within 30 days from awarding and in any case no later than date set for property transfer.

Property transfer

Property transfer will occur after the full payment of awarding price and all expenses due by notarial deed in the modes indicated by the Principal.

In case of lack property transfer finalization, the sale will be canceled and the amount paid by the user who awarded the lot as Buyer's Premium will not be refunded, as a penalty.


1) Servitude
The Transferor, as owner of the real estate unit underlying the business unit offered for sale, which is part of the building located in via Lombardi 7, in the Municipality of Castelvetro Piacentino (PC), registered in the Real Estate Cadastre sheet 10, parcel 445 sub 1 constitutes, for the entire duration of the surface right object of the present sale, the easement from the entrance to the courtyard area of ​​the building on the entire perimeter of the building to access the pavement, as well as the easement relating to the positioning of the inverters , electrical panels, any Enel meter, external cable ducts, underground cable ducts to reach the Enel supply point located on the external fence of the shed and the transformers that will be located outside the building with right passage from the entrance to the '' courtyard area of ​​the building until reaching the inverters, photovoltaic modules, electrical panels and transformer.
The right of way from the entrance to the courtyard area on the entire perimeter of the property must be understood as constituted for any need of the buyer related to the photovoltaic system (by way of example but not limited to ordinary and extraordinary maintenance).

2) The buyer undertakes:
- to the disassembly of the photovoltaic panels forming part of the system subject of this sale, now installed on the neighboring flat roof, not owned by the Procedure,
- to reposition the inverters, electrical panels, any Enel meter, the external and underground cable ducts and the transformers, now installed inside the neighboring building, on the perimeter walls - east side - of the building below the solar roof of this sale.

3) Transfer of contracts
The Transferee, once the sale has been completed, will take over exclusively the contracts stipulated by the Transferor for the exercise of the set of assets and precisely:
- agreement for the recognition of incentive tariffs for electricity produced by photovoltaic conversion of the solar source, stipulated with the Energy Services Manager no. E06F26780807 (Annex 1) through a specific online procedure on the GSE website;
- total transfer agreement stipulated with the Energy Services Manager no. RID023632 (Annex 2) through a specific online procedure on the GSE website;
- contract for scheduled maintenance and on failure of a photovoltaic system, stipulated with the company ERRECI S.r.l. (Annex 3);
- insurance policy stipulated with Zurich Insurance PLC n. 353A5852 (Annex 4);
- electricity supply contract with no. of POD IT001E53213653 (Annex 5);
The Transferor undertakes to communicate the transfer of the business branch to all the transferred contractors within 30 days of the signing of this contract and to transmit to the Transferee all the documentation relating to the transferred contracts including correspondence and accounting documentation.

4) State of the complex of assets
The sale of the company will take place in the factual and legal state in which the assets forming part of the same will be found on the date of sale. The sale will not be subject to rules concerning defects or lack of quality or other, nor can it be revoked or rectified in the value offered, agreed or paid for any reason even existing on the date of completion of the sale. It is also understood that charges of any kind or resulting from the possible need to adapt the assets to current laws, even if hidden or not highlighted, will not give rise to any compensation, indemnity or price reduction.

Additional specific terms

Buyer's Premium: A charge of 8,00% + VAT will be added to the price of each awarded lot.

VAT on lots: Sale subject to taxes by per law.

In case a winning offer will be submitted within 5 minutes before the auction deadline, the  time  to place another bid will  be extended for 5 more minutes from the last bid received. Every other winning bid submitted within 5 extra-time minutes, will extend the time for placing another bid for  5 more minutes from the last bid received and so forth.
Automatic overbids in case of maximum bid (proxy bid) are condisdered winnig bids as well.

Lots are sold as is. Viewing is reccomended.

The sale of the goods is forced (art. 2919 c.c.) it is arranged for goods as is , in the rule of law and fact. In the forced sale it is not valid the warranty for vices. It cannot be contested for damages (Art. 2922 c.c.).

The sale occurs with obligation for the user who award the lot to check of the compliance with safety norms

Consequently the existence of any defects or lack of quality of the lots sold or differences, they cannot give rise to compensation, bonus or price reduction.

It is excluded any responisibility of the Agent about the existence of rights of third parties on the goods subject of sale (Art . 2920 Civil Code) 

In case of insurgency of  any controversy related to the interpretation of the dispositions included in the general and specific terms present in the website  translated in different languages, it will be applied the Italian language version of such texts



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