Hora do servidor Mon 01/07/2024 horas 00:16 | Europe/Rome

Eugenio Carmi - Pulcinella - Ink on Paper

Lote 16

Leilão n.4912

Arte e colecionismo > Arte

  • Eugenio Carmi - Pulcinella - Ink on Paper 1
  • Eugenio Carmi - Pulcinella - Ink on Paper 2
  • Eugenio Carmi - Pulcinella - Ink on Paper 3
  • Eugenio Carmi - Pulcinella - Ink on Paper 4
  • Descrição

Eugenio Carmi, Pulcinella, ink on paper

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Combination of Paintings
Combination of Paintings
Combination of Paintings
Combination of Paintings
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30 Lotes
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Italian pictures of the 1900s
Italian pictures of the 1900s
Italian pictures of the 1900s
35 Lotes
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Leilão em Gobid.it

Italian pictures of the 1900s

Italian pictures of the 1900s

Leilão 4912

Tribunal de Milano - Bankr. n. 432/2015
Venda n.10

Tue 19/03/2019 horas 15:00

Thu 04/04/2019 horas 15:00

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Lote 11|Leilão 21891

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Santa Venerina (CT) - Italy

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