Hora do servidor Sat 28/12/2024 horas 04:46 | Europe/Rome

Pictures Lot

Lote 88

Leilão n.6771

Arte e colecionismo > Objetos

  • Pictures Lot 1
  • Pictures Lot 2
  • Pictures Lot 3
  • Descrição

N. 1 picture 59x79 blossom garden - ref. 478 Left Side Wall - shelf 11 - Picture 1389
N. 17 gold leaf framework 12x9 / - ref. 483 Left Side Wall - On the ground near the shelf 11 - Picture 1394
N. 3 gold leaf paintings 14x13 / - ref. 484 Left Side Wall - On the ground near the shelf 11 - Picture 1395

Este lote faz parte de:

Sacred Art Objects
Sacred Art Objects
Sacred Art Objects
Sacred Art Objects
CLotes à venda em combinação
116 Lotes
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Ceramics - Sacred Art
Ceramics - Sacred Art
Ceramics - Sacred Art
116 Lotes
Oferta livre
Leilão em Gobid.it

Ceramics - Sacred Art

Ceramics - Sacred Art

Leilão 6771

Tribunal de Perugia - n.
Venda n.12

Fri 09/08/2019 horas 11:00

Tue 10/09/2019 horas 11:09

Ficha de Leilão

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