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Commercial space in Madrid

Lote 1

Leilão n.14681

Imóveis > Imóveis Comerciais

  • Commercial space in Madrid 1
  • Commercial space in Madrid 2
  • Commercial space in Madrid 3
  • Commercial space in Madrid 4
  • Commercial space in Madrid 5
  • Commercial space in Madrid 6
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Commercial space in Madrid - Calle Nuestra Señora de Araceli 5

Cadastral Reference - 1004707VK5810C0003SM – sqm 28

Cadastral Reference - 1004707VK5810C0001PZ – sqm 136

The charges currently present in the Lot are specified:
Finca, Volume 730, Book 530, Folio 102, Inscripción 4
Mortgage of Banco Sabadell, S.A. with an amount of € 6,498.38
Finca, Volume 730, Book 530, Folio 107, Inscripción 8
Mortgage of Banco Sabadell, S.A. with an amount of € 103,162.10
Mortgage of Banco Sabadell, S.A. with an amount of € 105,570.00
Mortgage of Banco Santander, S.A. with an amount of € 39,918.62

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.

Superfície: 164


Lote suspenso para

Preço de reserva

Lance mínimo € 1.000,00

Comissão do Comprador 5,00 %

Depósito caucional: € 4.340,00

Preços exibidos sem IVA e taxas conforme a lei


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Commercial space - Madrid - Spain
1 Lotes

Commercial space - Madrid - Spain

Commercial space - Madrid - Spain

Leilão 14681

Tribunal de Madrid
Venda n.2

Tue 19/04/2022 horas 15:00

Thu 19/05/2022 horas 15:00

Ficha de Leilão

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