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N. 3 Combined Cutting Plants

Lot 2

Licitație n.10947

Mecanică > Instalații complete

  • N. 3 Combined Cutting Plants 1
  • N. 3 Combined Cutting Plants 2
  • N. 3 Combined Cutting Plants 3
  • N. 3 Combined Cutting Plants 4
  • N. 3 Combined Cutting Plants 5
  • N. 3 Combined Cutting Plants 6
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The lot includes:

Combined cutting plant PROMOTEC mod. "SPECIAL" CUTTING PLANT matr. SX 101 year 2005, bench (length 60 m) + track + linear guides + rack in common with 13_2018 and 14_2018, X and Y axes motorization with brushless motors, 1 master oxy-cutting unit, 5 slave oxy-cutting units, n. 1 master plasma groups, 1 slave plasma group, plasma groups with rotation head on two perpendicular axes, X axis travel 3800 mm, Y axis travel 30100 mm, Z axis travel 250 mm, axes governed by control, 2 THERMAL generators DYNAMICS mod. Ultra-Cut 400 XT (matr. US1332024340 and US1331024021) year 2013 - ref. 31
ADVANCE TECH combined cutting system mod. PLASMA CIANFRINO + 6OXY matr. RF02.12 year 2012, CE marked, bench (length 60 m) + track + linear guides + rack in common with 12_2018 and 14_2018, 6 oxy-cutting units, 1 master plasma units, 1 slave plasma unit, width work 3800 mm, axes governed by control, 2 HYPERTHERM mod. HYPERFORMANCE PLASMA HPR 400 XD, 2016 retrofit on a machine prior to 2005 - ref. 32
Combined cutting system SATO ELEKTRONIK type SATRONIK CNC801 matr 25799 year1999, bench (length 60 m) + track + linear guides + rack in common with 12_2018 and 13_2018, 4 oxy-cutting heads each equipped with 5 torches on linear support, 1 group plasma, working width 3800 mm, axes governed by control, 1 THERMAL DYNAMICS mod. Ultra-Cut 300, 1 welding head with vertical axis out of order, manual adjustments for out of order control (board damaged) - ref. 33


Loto suspendat pentru

Prețul de rezervă

Preț minim € 1.000,00

Comisionul Cumpărătorului 10,00 %

Depozit de garanție: € 4.800,00

Costuri de administrare € 1.500,00

TVA pe lot 22,00 %dacă ar fi aplicabil


Solicitați informații Solicitați vizionarea
Mechanical industry - Plants and machinery - Lot 17
Mechanical industry - Plants and machinery - Lot 17
Mechanical industry - Plants and machinery - Lot 17
43 Loturi
Licitatie in Gobid.it

Mechanical industry - Plants and machinery - Lot 17

Mechanical industry - Plants and machinery - Lot 17

Licitație 10947

Tribunalul de Vicenza - Cădere. n. 175/2019
Vânzare n.2

Mon 19/04/2021 ore 15:00

Fri 21/05/2021 ore 15:04

Fișa Licitație

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Combinație de zidari
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