Ora serverului Sat 09/11/2024 ore 06:03 | Europe/Rome

Semi-finished and/or finished material in various shapes and sizes

Lot 1

Licitație n.22083

  • Semi-finished and/or finished material in various shapes and sizes 1
  • Semi-finished and/or finished material in various shapes and sizes 2
  • Semi-finished and/or finished material in various shapes and sizes 3
  • Semi-finished and/or finished material in various shapes and sizes 4
  • Semi-finished and/or finished material in various shapes and sizes 5
  • Semi-finished and/or finished material in various shapes and sizes 6
  • + fotografie
  • Descriere

Semi-finished and/or finished material in various shapes and sizes The award will be calculated on the basis of the best price achieved per ton starting from the base of €260.00*  to be multiplied by approximately 800 presumed tons. Since preventive weighing is not possible, the definitive value will be updated in the final balance based on the quantity actually withdrawn.

- lot sold by weight / ton -

In the event of an award of the lot, the amount due as an award will be calculated on the basis of the best price achieved per ton starting from the value indicated as the base price. Therefore, the hammer price to be paid will be calculated following the actual weight of the awarded lot. To this end, the (provisional) successful bidder will be invited to go to a facility indicated by GOBID INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP Srl, on a date and time that will be specifically communicated, to carry out the weighing operations of the quantity actually present. 
Consequently, the payment of the hammer price of the lot must be made no later than 04/15/2024


Loto suspendat pentru

Prețul de rezervă

Preț minim € 5,00

Comisionul Cumpărătorului 10,00 %

Depozit de garanție: € 20.000,00

Costuri de administrare € 1.000,00

TVA pe lot 22,00 %dacă ar fi aplicabil

Prețurile afișate fără TVA și taxe conform legii


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Semi-finished and/or finished iron material
2 Loturi
Licitatie in Gobid.it

Semi-finished and/or finished iron material

Semi-finished and/or finished iron material

Licitație 22083

Tribunalul de Padova - C.P. n. 13/2018

Fri 15/03/2024 ore 15:00

Wed 10/04/2024 ore 15:17

Fișa Licitație

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