Serverns tid Sun 01/09/2024 timmar 08:34 | Europe/Rome

Industrial building in San Fernando de Henares - Madrid

Parti 1

Auktion n.14915

Fastigheter > Industriella fastigheter

  • Industrial building in San Fernando de Henares - Madrid 1
  • Industrial building in San Fernando de Henares - Madrid 2
  • Industrial building in San Fernando de Henares - Madrid 3
  • Industrial building in San Fernando de Henares - Madrid 4
  • Industrial building in San Fernando de Henares - Madrid 5
  • Industrial building in San Fernando de Henares - Madrid 6
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  • Beskrivning

Industrial building in San Fernando de Henares - Madrid, Avenida Castilla

Cadastral Reference- 7985306VK5788N0001ME – sqm 1,777

The IBI in favor of the Municipality of San Fernando de Henares is that corresponding to the years from 2019 to 2022
2019 IBI Avda Castilla, 39 A - Euro 2,783.23 recognized in competition with the qualification of special privilege for tacit legal mortgage.
2020 IBI Avda Castilla, 39 A - Euro 2,825.57 recognized in competition with the qualification of special privilege for tacit legal mortgage.
2021 IBI Avda Castilla, 39 A - € 2,287.47
2022 IBI Avda Castilla, 39 A - € 2,287.47
There is no credit for community of owners communicated to the bankruptcy administration.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.

Yta: 1.777


Auktion avbruten igenom


Minsta bud € 1.000,00

Köparpremie 5,00 %

Depositionsavgift: € 11.448,00

Priser visas exklusive moms och avgifter enligt lag


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Industrial building - San Fernando de Henares - Madrid
1 Partier

Industrial building - San Fernando de Henares - Madrid

Industrial building - San Fernando de Henares - Madrid

Auktion 14915

Domstol i Madrid
Försäljning n.2

Mon 16/05/2022 timmar 15:30

Thu 23/06/2022 timmar 15:30


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