Čas strežnika Wed 12/03/2025 ure 12:01 | Europe/Rome

Parking space in Gran Marina building, Almería

Serija 9

Dražba n.20706

Nepremičnine > Drugo

  • Parking space in Gran Marina building, Almería 1
  • Opis

Parking space in Gran Marina building, Almería - Carretera Sierra Alhamilla

Floor -2 Door 53
Surface: 25m2
Cadastral Reference: 8266505WF4786N0111DB

There's no outstanding IBI or community debts.
Currently occupied

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.


Loto prekinjen za

Ocenjevanje € 52.381,71

Rezervna cena

Minimalni znesek € 1.000,00

Premija kupca 5,00 %

Depozitna varščina: € 2.620,00

Cene prikazane brez DDV in stroški v skladu z zakonom


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