Čas strežnika Thu 13/03/2025 ure 22:48 | Europe/Rome

Commercial premise in Leganés - Madrid

Dražba n. 22671

Sodišče Pontevedra n. 3
Prodaja n.2

Leganes - Spain

Commercial premise in Leganés - Madrid - Commercial Court No. 3 Pontevedra
Commercial premise in Leganés - Madrid - Commercial Court No. 3 Pontevedra
Commercial premise in Leganés - Madrid - Commercial Court No. 3 Pontevedra
1 Serija
Znižanje -50%
Thu 02/05/2024 ure 16:30
Thu 30/05/2024 ure 16:30
  • Opis

Commercial premise in Leganés

Law Court No. 3 Pontevedra

For sale through auction Commercial premises made up of 5 registered properties in Leganés (Madrid), with a total area of 209 m2.

For more information consult the lot sheet.

To make a visit, press the REQUEST VISIT button in the advertisement.

  • Depozitna varščina:EUR 12.800,00

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