Čas strežnika Thu 02/01/2025 ure 17:13 | Europe/Rome

Office Furniture - G

Serija 22

Dražba n.20658

Pohištvo in pisarna > Različno pohištvo in oprema

  • Office Furniture - G 1
  • Office Furniture - G 2
  • Office Furniture - G 3
  • Office Furniture - G 4
  • Office Furniture - G 5
  • Office Furniture - G 6
  • + fotografija
the collection should absolutely be done before and no later than 15/01/2024 beyond this date a daily late payment of € 200 plus VAT will be applied.
  • Opis

The lot includes:

n. 4 desk with integrated chest of drawers - ref. 23
n. 4 typist chair - ref. 24
n. 2 chest of drawers - ref. 25
n. 1 blue cabinet - ref. 26

Ta serija je del:

Office furniture and computer equipment
Office furniture and computer equipment
Office furniture and computer equipment
Office furniture and computer equipment
CLote na prodaj v kombinaciji
12 Serije
Zahtevaj informacije Zahtevaj obisk
Office furniture and equipment
Office furniture and equipment
Office furniture and equipment
12 Serije
Znižane cene
Dražba v Gobid.it

Office furniture and equipment

Office furniture and equipment

Dražba 20658

Sodišče Bolzano - Sodna dražba n. 13/2023
Prodaja n.2

Wed 22/11/2023 ure 16:00

Wed 13/12/2023 ure 16:00

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