OFFERS GATHERING - Building plot in Città di castello (PG), Loc. Cinquemiglia - LOT 2
The property is registered at Land Registry of City of Città di Castello at sheet 265:
Parcel 274 - sem. arb. - Class 2 - R.D. € 0,88 - R.A. € 0,64
Parcel 286 - sem. arb. - Class 2 - R.D. € 21,48 - R.A. € 14,07
The building plot is located in the industrial / craft area called Cinquemiglia, just outside the Municipality of Città di Castello. The roads that surrounds the entire area gives the possibility of having a double access from two different roads; one on the front, visible from the SS3 bis, while the other is located on Via Antonio Mearelli. Located between two other properties, it has an area of 3023 square meters. Construction must take place to the bounder with the other building unit present in the auction.
For further information consult the appraisal (Point 3/b)and the attached documentation and the attached Sale Notice
The gathering will be done using the following modes:
All bidders, except the subjects by law not allowed to take part in the gathering, after having joined the site, will fill in the offer form (published online) and send it undersigned, for acceptance of the conditions proposed, by hand or in a closed packet, at the Liquidator's office, Gregorio Dini, in viale Moncenisio 28, Città di Castello, in conjunction with the documents required.
Please check the specific conditions for further information concerning participation
Površina: 3.023