Čas strežnika Sun 01/09/2024 ure 08:35 | Europe/Rome

Rental of a business unit in Verona (VR) - Bar - Catering sector

Lote 1

Oglas n.22365

Rôzne > Pobočka spoločnosti / Prenájom

  • Rental of a business unit in Verona (VR) - Bar - Catering sector 1
  • Rental of a business unit in Verona (VR) - Bar - Catering sector 2
  • Rental of a business unit in Verona (VR) - Bar - Catering sector 3
  • Rental of a business unit in Verona (VR) - Bar - Catering sector 4
  • Rental of a business unit in Verona (VR) - Bar - Catering sector 5
  • Rental of a business unit in Verona (VR) - Bar - Catering sector 6
  • + fotografia
The base price corresponds to the monthly rent
  • Opis

Rental of a business unit in the bar and restaurant sector in Verona (VR), Piazza Isolo n. 15, with the sign BAR CASABLANCA.

The equipment in the room is listed in detail and must be returned at the end of the rental.
The business is currently closed to the public and is rented without employees and warehouse stock, the latter will be the subject of a subsequent agreement between the parties

For further information see the documentation in the annex


Pozastavená aukcia za

Kupčeva premija 8,00 %


Zahtevaj informacije Zahtevaj ogled
Company rental - Bar in Verona
Company rental - Bar in Verona
Company rental - Bar in Verona
1 Lotes
Dražba v Gobid.it

Company rental - Bar in Verona

Company rental - Bar in Verona

Oglas 22365

Súd Venezia - Predhodni niz n.

Mon 15/04/2024 ure 15:00

Fri 17/05/2024 ure 15:00

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