The lot includes:
n. 2 desks, n. 1 cabinet with 6 doors - ref. 12
Dell pc mod. Optiplex 3020 with Acer monitor - ref. 13
Hp printer mod. Laserjet pro 400 - ref. 14
Čas strežnika Wed 12/03/2025 ure 23:24 | Europe/Rome
Nábytok a kancelária > Rôzne nábytok a vybavenie
The lot includes:
n. 2 desks, n. 1 cabinet with 6 doors - ref. 12
Dell pc mod. Optiplex 3020 with Acer monitor - ref. 13
Hp printer mod. Laserjet pro 400 - ref. 14
Rezervná cena
Minimálne zvýšenie € 25,00
Kupčeva premija 15,00 %
Varščina: € 500,00