Zerbitzariaren ordua Thu 23/01/2025 orduak 00:26 | Europe/Rome

Sandvik UV320 Impact Mill

Lote 3

Enkantea n.11599

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  • Sandvik UV320 Impact Mill 1
  • Sandvik UV320 Impact Mill 2
  • Sandvik UV320 Impact Mill 3
  • Sandvik UV320 Impact Mill 4
  • Sandvik UV320 Impact Mill 5
  • Sandvik UV320 Impact Mill 6
  • + argazkia
  • Deskribapena

Sandvik impact mill model UV320 (CV107), year 2008-09, 42.000 kg, hours 7850, prod (t / h) 120-170


Equipment for the production of sand and gravel, not equivalent to the market. Strange.
Part of the hydraulic system deactivated (bottles hopper), without brake system and running lights.
Completely immobilized equipment, without trolley. Adaptations made on site.

Cost: Mortgage in favor of "Delegación de Hacienda de La Coruña".

Marka: Sandvik

eredua: UV320


Lote etenda por

Erreserba prezioa

Tramo mĂ­nimo € 1.000,00

Eroslearen Gaineko 10,00 %

Diru-sarrera: € 2.500,00

Lotean BEZa 21,00 %aplikagarria izango balitz


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