Zerbitzariaren ordua Fri 27/09/2024 orduak 01:33 | Europe/Rome

Catering and Electronics Equipment

Lote 3

Enkantea n.8260

Elikadura eta jatetxeak > Sukaldaritza ekipamenduak

  • Catering and Electronics Equipment 1
  • Catering and Electronics Equipment 2
  • Catering and Electronics Equipment 3
  • Catering and Electronics Equipment 4
  • Catering and Electronics Equipment 5
  • Catering and Electronics Equipment 6
  • + argazkia
  • Deskribapena

The lot includes:

n. 1 tv 60 '' full hd led + wall bracket 37/63 - ref. 257
n. 1 stereo system - ref. 259
n. 1 cold line fridge cabinet 700 lt -2 + 8 ° c 74x81x205 c / 4 grids - ref. 260
n. 1 cold line fridge cabinet 700 lt -2 + 8 ° c 74x81x205 c / 4 grids - ref. 260
n. 1 pastry fridge cabinet -18-22 ° c cold line for 50 trays of 81x101x205 - ref. 260
n. 1 pastry fridge cabinet -2 + 8 ° c cold line for 50 trays of 81x101x20 - ref. 260
n. 1 mat coffee cream machine nr. 19032 - tribute (to be reviewed) - ref. 260
n. 1 hood with motor - ref. 260
n. 1 stainless steel trolley for 20 trays - ref. 260
n. 1 gas stove 4 burners offcar c / open compartment - ref. 260
n. 5 plasticized grids for fridge cabinet with stainless steel guides - ref. 260
n. 4 plasticized grids gn 2/1 650x530 c / steel guides - ref. 260
n. 1 handwash with knee control 40x32 - ref. 260
n. 1 hood dishwasher dihr ht - ref. 260
n. 1 cup washer saf4 - ref. 260
n. 1 sink 2 bowls (40x50x25) c / goggiolatoio closed c / ante - ref. 260
n. 1 juicer - ref. 260
n. 1 hanging drainer 150x40x60 closed c / sliding - ref. 260
n. 1 stainless steel table closed with sliding doors, cm. 200x70x90h c / 3 drawers - ref. 260
n. 1 supreme light scale high pq matr. n05412 - ref. 260
n. total value in work - ref.
n. 1 grinder-doser cimbali conik - ref. 261
n. 1 ice container - ref. 262
n. 1 sideboard vais comptoi epices - ref. 263
n. 1 high table with stainless steel leg and lacquered top diam 75 x h. 110 - ref. 266
n. 5 brown stool - ref. 271
n. 1 shelf snack ml. 6.00 x 0.30 x 1.10 h gray laminate - ref. 272
n. 1 removable raised platform ml 9.50x2.85xh. 1.10 - ref. 272
n. 9 dark brown planter 45x45x90h - ref. 272
n. 8 dark brown planter 45x45x60h - ref. 272
n. 8 dark brown planter 45x45x45 - ref. 272
n. 3 dark brown planter 90x45x45 - ref. 272
n. 1 planter hanging x parapet (body) 1 pc x ml7x0,20x0,20h + 1pcs x ml. 3x0,20x0,20h - ref. 272
n. 1 walkable platform + white bridge shelf - ref. 273
n. 7 planter for platform railing dark brown c / support galvanized iron - ref. 273
n. 2 awnings logoed c / motor 445x300 - ref. 273
n. 1 plexiglass glass frame - ref. 273


Lote etenda por

Balorazioa € 9.175,00

Erreserba prezioa

Tramo mĂ­nimo € 100,00

Eroslearen Gaineko 15,00 %

Diru-sarrera: € 725,00

Administrazio Gastuak € 350,00

Lotean BEZa 22,00 %aplikagarria izango balitz


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Catering equipment - Office furniture
Catering equipment - Office furniture
Catering equipment - Office furniture
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Catering equipment - Office furniture

Catering equipment - Office furniture

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Epaitegia Firenze - Huts egin. n. 86/2016
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