Spoleto Car semi-trailer mod. 38S3S, year 2010 - ref. 16
For further information, consult the attached registration document
Urtea: 2010
Marka: Spoleto Car
eredua: 38s3s
Zerbitzariaren ordua Fri 14/03/2025 orduak 17:19 | Europe/Rome
Garraioak > Erremolkeak - Erremolke erdiak
Spoleto Car semi-trailer mod. 38S3S, year 2010 - ref. 16
For further information, consult the attached registration document
Urtea: 2010
Marka: Spoleto Car
eredua: 38s3s
Erreserba prezioa
Tramo mĂnimo € 260,00
Eroslearen Gaineko 10,00 %
Diru-sarrera: € 1.300,00