Zerbitzariaren ordua Mon 21/10/2024 orduak 03:28 | Europe/Rome

N. 2 Generation Groups

Lote 1

Enkantea n.12609

Anitzak > Sorgailu Elektrikoak

  • N. 2 Generation Groups 1
  • N. 2 Generation Groups 2
  • N. 2 Generation Groups 3
  • N. 2 Generation Groups 4
  • N. 2 Generation Groups 5
  • N. 2 Generation Groups 6
  • + argazkia
  • Deskribapena

The lot includes:

n. 2 x 3580 hp 20-cylinder four-stroke diesel generation units gmt b230.20 '' big engines trieste '', year 1980 complete with ansaldo gsn 800 w6 alternator, bearing serial numbers:

- gmt b230.20 matr. 892 year 1980 (35000 kg) ansaldo gsn 800 w6 matr. 8005102 year 1980 (kg 16740)
- gmt b230.20 matr. 889 year 1980 (35000 kg) ansaldo gsn 800 w6 matr. 8005104 year 1981 (16740 kg) - ref. 48

It should be noted that some components may contain asbestos or other special waste and any disposal will be the responsibility of the successful bidder.

Urtea: 1980


Lote etenda por

Erreserba prezioa

Tramo mĂ­nimo € 500,00

Eroslearen Gaineko 10,00 %

Diru-sarrera: € 2.000,00

Administrazio Gastuak € 600,00

Lotean BEZa 22,00 %aplikagarria izango balitz


Informazioa eskatu Bisita eskatu
Generators and containers - Vehicles and equipment
Generators and containers - Vehicles and equipment
Generators and containers - Vehicles and equipment
19 Lotes
Subasta en Gobid.it

Generators and containers - Vehicles and equipment

Generators and containers - Vehicles and equipment

Enkantea 12609

Epaitegia Verona - Huts egin. n. 52/2020

Tue 19/10/2021 orduak 15:30

Fri 26/11/2021 orduak 15:48

Enkante Fitxa

Loterekin lotuta

Etorkizuneko Pisua


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Ontzi Materialak


Ontzi Materialak

Lote 8|Enkantea 24268

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