Zerbitzariaren ordua Sat 21/12/2024 orduak 06:20 | Europe/Rome

Bed with Mattress - Quilt and Pillows

Lote 21

Enkantea n.10914

Altzariak eta bulegoa > Etxeko altzariak

  • Bed with Mattress - Quilt and Pillows 1
  • Bed with Mattress - Quilt and Pillows 2
  • Bed with Mattress - Quilt and Pillows 3
  • Bed with Mattress - Quilt and Pillows 4
  • Bed with Mattress - Quilt and Pillows 5
  • Bed with Mattress - Quilt and Pillows 6
  • + argazkia
  • Deskribapena

The lot includes:

n. 1 walnut display cabinet brand: smania measures: 2,20x2,22x170
n. 1 fouton sofa brand: maestro rafael mod. ma0010752011 measures: 2.70x2.70
n. 1 ties for console brand: dorwin measures: 150x1,90x50
n. 2 bed in leather and silk brand: maestro rafael mod. riblon measures: 50x80
n. 2 gray quilt with silent ribbon flowers brand: maestro rafael mod. riblon measures: 45x45


Lote etenda por

Balorazioa € 2.542,40

Erreserba prezioa

Tramo mĂ­nimo € 50,00

Eroslearen Gaineko 15,00 %

Diru-sarrera: € 400,00

Administrazio Gastuak € 75,00

Lotean BEZa 21,00 %aplikagarria izango balitz


Informazioa eskatu Bisita eskatu
Design Furniture and Lighting
Design Furniture and Lighting
Design Furniture and Lighting
36 Lotes

Design Furniture and Lighting

Design Furniture and Lighting

Enkantea 10914

Epaitegia Pontevedra
Salmenta n.4

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Thu 20/05/2021 orduak 16:36

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